'73 Bronco C4 Transmission Rebuild
These are some of the pictures I took while rebuilding my Bronco C4
transmission. Believe it or not I only paid $100 for the trans which included the entire
steering column but I wasn't able to get the trans/t-case dividing plate. Thanks to
Bruce Rowen who came up with one for me and at a great price to boot!
This was my first automatic rebuild so I had to rely on the help from those on the
EBR-Net and my new buddy at Cal-Tex, Ivan. This is probably a good time to mention
Cal-Tex, as they were a big help in making the rebuild a excess. I was pleasantly
surprised w/ their willingness to help and their low, low prices. I bought a used
drum/hub and the parts contained in it for $8. Cheap! A rebuilt torque converter was $35.
Starting the tear down process
Note the ample space. Not!
Disassembled Trans
More parts
You can see some of the clutches here. Lots of thrush washers in there!
The only specialty tool that I used was to compress the large spring in one of the
drum/hubs. Didn't get a picture of it but it looked like a large metal cup w/ a hole in the
center of the bottom and a large opening on both sides near the rim . Continuing w/ that
analogy the rim was placed on the washer securing the spring and a piece of all-thread was
placed through the hole on the top (cup upside-down) and through the center of the drum/hub.
Securing both ends w/ washers and nuts you could then compression and spring. Once it was compressed
you could get to the securing ring-clip through the large openings on the sides. Once removed the
spring would then come out.
Planetary gears

It's hard to make out from the picture but the original one on the right had a gear
that had gone through its washer and into the housing. The used replacement looked great and cost
about $15.
Mighty little vise!
Yeah, its been laughed at but it did a great job of holding the trans while I
was putting it back together. The vise is quite old and I'm sure that's why it works so well...
Trans in a can?
This coffee can made a great stand while I lowered the rebuilt drum/hubs into
the housing. The process can be a bit tricky because of the alignment of the (2) drums lip
teeth, sun gear and clutch packs. Lowering it to the ground helped this backyard mechanic.
Putting it all back together
Note the "Bronco Only" pick up tube. I had the valve body rebuilt w/ a mild shift kit
by a local transmission shop. This not only saved me a hassle but gave me an opportunity to ask
an experience rebuilder questions. I paid $80 for the rebuild and kit.
I also added a drain plug to the pan. Why they don't come that way I don't know!
Be sure to use Neoprene gaskets, definitely the way to go to help prevent
leaks. Got mine from Cal-Tex.