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WA Doghowse - say it isn't so?!?



Bronco Guru
Dec 31, 2015
I faced that decision for surgery, but on a cat with the same injury. Was given two choices, several thousand for surgery or I could try a very restricted activity trial. She was crated for 6-8 weeks then let out 5 mins 1st day, 10 mins 2nd day, etc. Very labor intensive, but I was still trying to hang onto my house after going thru a divorce and $3,000 may have well been $30,000 at that point. Fast forward 9 years, still have the house and (knock on wood) the cat has not had any further issues with the leg. Just don't be tempted to let her do too much too soon, no matter how hard she begs! Keep her on a leash or whatever you need to do to control her enthusiasm. Don't want to let one squirrel undo her progress. Glad you're hanging onto your Bronco, and best wishes for your Rottie's recovery.


Bronco Guru
Jun 19, 2014
Your welcome steve and yes you may have a few set backs. Dogs get excited easy over the littlest and dumbest things and may push it. My dog had a few episodes in between where I could tell he stressed it too much. Body language is key so just pay attention to how she uses that leg. You'll know if the previous walk was just a little too much, if so just back off on the exercise for awhile before upping it up a bit! good luck bud!


Bronco Guru
Sep 4, 2005
Well guys here's the scoop. I'm trying not to sell but too many thing have come up and I don't have the cash for all of them.
Business is going good but could use some upgrades so not selling for that.
My best friend in the whole world is my Rotty Ziva. Found out last week she blew her knee out. She goes in for X-rays in the AM to confirm or denie this. If it is confirmed she will need surgery to fix it. That surgery is $3500. Yes I said three thousand five hundred dollars.
So to me no car is worth what my best friend is so if that's the case that's what needs to happen. I have my fingers crossed that her injury is not as bad as they think but I am preparing for the worse case.
I love the bronco but I love my dog more. If anyone here has interest in the package I'll make you a hell of a deal.
Thanks for all the cudos on the build its been fun so far. And like you said I can always start another!!

I'm the same way. I like my Bronco, but love my family and dog more. Hope all is well. Best of luck!

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Is it back up for sale? Thought it was on ebay earlier today?


Mar 8, 2007
Glad to hear that...

Ok the specialist that looked at my Rotty says DO NOT DO SURGERY at this time. Rest and some medications should do it, but if she stuffs her leg in a hole or some fluke thing then surgery will be in her near future.
Mao for now the adds are pulled and the Bronco is staying home with my Rotty!! Thanks to Ryan for the link and info and thanks to all you guys for your support. Bullet dodged;D