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Recent feedback on mechanical pump



Full Member
Jul 2, 2006
Jackson, NJ
I got mine from NAPA over 20 years ago. It's fine and has been pumping Ethanol since the stuff came out.
I’m sure. Hopefully it keeps going for you because the new ones don’t seem to hold up. I put one in my ‘69 and it ran for 10 years or so with no issue. Sold that truck around 2007. Not what they used to be apparently…


Sr. Member
Jun 14, 2001
Pacifica, CA
I have an Edelbrock 1725 waiting for the next change
Bought my truck in '89
In 2014 replaced the Motorcraft pump with Carters. Two failed within 6 months (300 mile per week daily driver)
Went with the Edelbrock 1725 and haven't had any issues in 8 years and ~60K miles.
I have heard horror stories over the years of bad experiences from all of the brands. Hate to say sometimes it's just the luck of the draw.....or bad luck of the draw.....


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Most likely if you drive the bronco a lot it will last a long time. Just not as long as they did in the old days. If your bronco sits a lot it wont last long. I was going thur the cheap pumps every 6 months on my 71 as it would sit a lot I think I even had one Napa pump that didn't last long either. But now I drive it more regularly and its been fine for a few years. I run a electric pump on my 73 ie the carter p4070 the first one was about 25 years old and still pumping when I swapped it for another just because the pump was 25 years old. So the carter electric is my go to. But I decided to stay stock on my 71 since it is mostly stock as it is. But I do have a electric pump I carry for it just in case.