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Sometimes the simple things get forgotten


Full Member
May 23, 2018
Lodi, CA
We were on a tight deadline to get this beauty road-ready for the Super Celebration in Tennessee, and boy, did she give us a run for our money.

We dove headfirst into every trick in the book to figure out why this old girl wouldn't roar. Checked the spark, swapped the plugs, dialed in the timing, and even went as far as changing the whole dang computer. But no dice.
With the clock ticking we really thought about taking another rig and we were about ready to pull our hair out. That's when we decided to ring up the folks at tech support, hoping they'd have some sort of wizardry up their sleeves. And wouldn't you know it the problem was as plain as the nose on my face.

Turns out, our nemesis was a sneaky, ancient fuel pressure regulator. This little doohickey was sneaking fuel into places it had no business being. So we probably didn't need to throw the fancy Terminator X at our Bronco problem. We all get caught up looking for big, complicated answers to our problems, thinking a shiny new gadget or a major overhaul is the golden ticket. But sometimes, it's the little things, the basics that we need to give a nod to. Before you go tearing apart the engine or throwing cash at the latest gizmo, take a step back. Maybe it's something simple!!

Lets hear from you guys...
What’s the most overlooked part of troubleshooting a classic?


Bronco Guru
Apr 21, 2013
Enjoyed the video and glad you got it figured out!;)


1977 Bronco
Jun 20, 2021
Maple Valley
i can't be the only one who uses these "little fix" moments as an excuse to need a bigger upgrade? hehehe