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351W Swap


Jr. Member
Jun 20, 2001
Milford, CT
I have found a very inexpensive 351w, and since my 302 has a noisy valve and a leaking rear main, it might be a good excuse to do the swap. Through the webmap, I only found one link to N8's site with pics and info about the swap, but not a true write up. Anybody have a write up? I have been told this engine needs a rebuild, what $$ am I looking at for a rebuild and conversion parts.<br>TIA


Bronco Madman
Jul 30, 2001
It is a strait forward swap. All you need is a double sump oilpan for the 351w (79-93 351w in a mustang) and the brackets to adapt your 302 accessories onto the 351w. A rebuild can cost you about $300. to $1000. depending on what you do. Find a good auto machine shop to do the machine work and assemble it yourself, If this is your 1st time then get some good books on rebuilding the 351w motor. The experience will be priceless and it will save you money. If you have $$$$ Find a good shop to do it for you. Call around and get some quotes.
Good Luck

P.S. For a newbie you sure got alot of hits on your website!! Nice Bronco!


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
I just wrote a tech article for Bronco Driver about the 351W swap. It should come out in the next issue. The swap is straight forward. The new motor will sit in the 302 mounts, you need a 351W intake and oil pan (4WD), accessory brackets and a few other things that need to be dealt with. Good swap and you will be HAPPY that you did it when done.