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39.5 IROK vs 42 IROK (Bias 17")


Sr. Member
Nov 14, 2004
Any one run both sizes? I am running 37 MTR's now and want to go up some. I was going with the 39.5's, but a local shop recommended the 42's. They said that they had both tires side by side and were impressed by the deeper tread. I have looked up the specs and they are 2" larger and 3/32 deeper. It is noticeable?


Full Member
May 2, 2005
San Antonio
Projp said:
Any one run both sizes? I am running 37 MTR's now and want to go up some. I was going with the 39.5's, but a local shop recommended the 42's. They said that they had both tires side by side and were impressed by the deeper tread. I have looked up the specs and they are 2" larger and 3/32 deeper. It is noticeable?

how about just keeping it simple -n- goin' for tha' gusto ( I know,.. sounds like a' Schlitz commercial,....:-X ;) ) -n- taking tha' dive awn tha' 42s?,.. we did -n- we're STILL revvin' for a' bigger size,.... tell ya' what though,.... 42s git tha' job done awn tha' trails,...;D S.


Bronco Guru
Apr 24, 2005
Argyle, TX
I've wheeled three times with my 42" Iroks and I am very impressed. They opened up a whole new world of wheeling. Mine are on 16.5" rims and I run 3 PSI for what it's worth. I wheeled with a guy on 40" Iroks with almost an identical set up and the two inches were a much larger difference than I would have thought. Go Bigger!!!!!!!!!

I run Maxxis Creepy Crawler 35's on my other trail rig and those are imprsseive also, but I need to go bigger. 38's are on the Christmas list as soon as I find the right deal.