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ADMIN - Hiding your email address


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
It looks like many people have gone to their control panel and checked the box to hide their email address. I've had a rash of requests lately from people trying to get in touch with someone who posted in the classifieds, but then has their email address hidden. No one can get in touch with them.

I understand that people want to keep their email address private. That's why the forum uses a mailing form when someone clicks on your email link. It DOES NOT show them your email address. The forum software emails you the message they type in the form without giving out your email. Only if you reply to their email will your address show.

Obviously you can set it however you wish, but I thought I would make sure that everyone knows that leaving it "unhidden" does not give out your email address.

The setting is in your "user cp" then "Edit Options" and scoll down to "Hide Email Address?"