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ATK longblock & roller tip rockers?


Sr. Member
Aug 10, 2004
Well, I just finished a compression test on my 302 and it wasn't good. Highest reading on all cylinders was around 83. I want to replace it with a 351W, but the added cost is something I can't absorb (oil pan, intake, exhaust, etc). So...I got a price quote from CarQuest on a longblock 302 for around $1,100. I'll have 'em a RV cam & high volume oil pump too for a few extra $$.

My question is this: Can I reuse my roller tip rockers on the new motor? If so, will it make any difference with the RV cam, i.e., higher lift numbers?


Bronco Guru
Feb 1, 2004
Huntingtown, MD
Roller rockers can be reused. If they are 1.6:1 they will keep the cam specs the same. If they are 1.7:1 they will alter the lift etc. If you post the cam specs I am sure someone here will do the math for you, and be able to tell you what you will end up with lift wise...... ;D


Bronco Guru
Jun 5, 2002
To be honest with you I think it depends on what heads you will get on your rebuilt motor(as in year) and the ones that your taking your roller tip rockers off of. There was a difference in stud sizes between years, can recall which.

I cant comment on Car Quest engines since Ive never heard of anything from them, hopefully its not the same place that Auto Zone and Advance get there motors from. Stop by your Ford dealer and walk into the parts dealer and ask them about there rebuilt motors not crate unless you want a new motor. They usally have the pamplets out in front about them and the pricing.


Sr. Member
Aug 10, 2004
Unfortunately, I won't know the cam specs until I order the engine. The PO owner installed a pretty 'lumpy' cam, kinda sounds like my old '69 mustang...lum pity..lum pity..lum pity :)

I believe the motors from "lost" zone are from a different manufacturer. Carquest stated that their motors are from ATK and have a 3-year, 30,000 mile warranty..I believe one of the better warranties out there.

Never thought about the Ford dealer! I'll give them a shot before going over to Carquest.

As always, thanks for all the advice!


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
How does your current engine run right now? part of you low compression problem may be the lumpity cam and if the compression ratio is stock you may get a low reading because the valves are not closeing and are letting the some of the pressure off. If your not buring oil but have poor performance I'd consider changing your cam. Then you can start planning on that 351W.
Like the others said it depends on what year of heads come on that long block all 78 up heads are pedestal mount type so you cant use your rockers and with a rebuilt engine theres no telling what you'll get until it comes in you may want to consider a short block and just rebuilding your heads.


Sr. Member
Aug 10, 2004
I did consider the cam, but due to the extreme variances in compression from each cylinder, I'm going for the crate motor. Besides, when I changed my oil pan gasket, the bores didn't look good (vertical scores, etc.). The motor is also spiting out coolant from the driver side exhaust & burns about a quart of oil at less than 500 miles....it's ready to be a boat anchor at this point! The rockers are only roller tip, not the full blown rollers. Just bolted in place of the stock rockers.

I originally had plans to drop in a 351W, but last week my mother-in-law's car died & I loaned out $$$$$$ for her to buy another one.