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Bad experience with B.C. Broncos

Bronco Ga

Jr. Member
Mar 28, 2010
God Bless the USA, where you can choose to buy from whomever you want. All vendors have had issues at least once, we may not see it here, but it happens.

All businesses will have issues. It is how those issues are handled that separates the wheat from the chaff.

Bronco Ga

Jr. Member
Mar 28, 2010
This is how I would have handled it.

I will also send your picture to DC and I will also refund your shipping to return it. I would then have called DC and explained the situation.

Was this really worth all of the negative publicity over 5 Dollars?

When I saw the picture of the 3 cornered gasket I would have told the customer to toss it in the trash and Fed Ex'ed a new gasket out same day.


New Member
Feb 16, 2011
Stone Mountain, GA
Chuck probably can't get credit from DC without a defective part. Why should Chuck have to lose money on this deal? It's not his fault.

Not trying to be a dick.. but it is kinda his fault. He sent the defective part. Granted, fordman should have looked at the thing before driving to the window shop.


New Member
Oct 29, 2004
I bet if the OP had offered to send Chuck a pic of the gasket, it probably would have made things run MUCH faster.

If I were Chuck and had a shelf full of 4 corner gaskets and some angry . . . person (ahem) called me up raging that he got one with three corners, I would have thought:

1. All gaskets come from same mold.
2. Mold has 4 corners
3. How could 4 corner mold produce 3 corner gasket?
4. Conclusion: Customer is either an idiot or trying to scam me.
5. Response: Ask customer to send it in to gather data and respond appropriately.

I am sure other vendors can give some perspective on how people act like spoiled brats these days at the first sign of a problem with a product. The threat of internet smear campaigns is used not just to get problems fixed, but as a form of extortion for discounts, etc. Small businesses deal with this crap ALL THE TIME now.

As far as spending time on the phone as a requirement to drive business, I know that there is a difficult balance in the small auto specialty business between spending time on the phone with potential customers and working on paying jobs.
It is very common for people to pose as customers and get a free education through (no shit) HOURS of conversation on the phone from one vendor with expertise, only to go make a purchase from a competitor when they buy because their price is a couple of dollars cheaper.

This problem is also not easily solved by hiring a hot chick with a sexy voice to answer the phone and be eye candy around the shop because potential customers often demand to speak with someone that has expertise.
I will however offer my services to help with interviewing candidates for any businesses that seek to try that strategy.
What can I say, I am a giver.

PS: for those people who equate post count with value/expertise/seniority, please see my post count and join date. I know a bit about EBs . . . just sayin :)

PPS: Revelation - WELL DONE


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
IPS: for those people who equate post count with value/expertise/seniority, please see my post count and join date. I know a bit about EBs . . . just sayin :)

Alan..with that screen name, you are not exactly 'hiding' who ya are...at least not from folks that been playing with EB's for a while. :cool:


New Member
Feb 7, 2011
Oak Ridge, NJ
PS: for those people who equate post count with value/expertise/seniority, please see my post count and join date. I know a bit about EBs . . . just sayin :)

I am on another forum most of the time so my post count here is low but I can understand the post count comment. It is not a thing of value. If you went on my forum and in the first couple posts wrote that you had a problem with someone on our forum that has a lot of posts, chances are we are friends with that person and not you. If you expect to get support in your problem with our friend, you are mistaken.


Bronco Guru
Dec 20, 2007
Have well all just missed the point..

THIS IS A MIRACLE. A 3 CORNER GASKET!!! its like winning the lottery. how in the hell did that happen. i would try to sell it on ebay. ;D


Bronco Guru
Mar 18, 2004
PS: for those people who equate post count with value/expertise/seniority, please see my post count and join date. I know a bit about EBs . . . just sayin :)

I remember you Alan, you're one of those Bronco Maffia guys! I thought the rest of the maffia got rid of you or you were in witness protection, either way your not hiding anymore:)


Bronco Guru
Mar 22, 2004
First, i don't think BCB, or any outfit for that matter, unwraps every item they receive into their shop to inspect. The defect should have been caught by DC, who manufactured it, before it was shipped to BCB.

The OP went to BCB and bought the thing. I'm guessing it was still in its original packaging. If he looked at it at the time of purchase, he could have walked back in and exchanged it. Or, asked for a different one while standing at the counter. Where he takes it from there is who's problem? What if he decided to take it to the South Pole? Who's responsible?

BCB is not a huge corporations. It is made up of a few enthusiasts that also have lives outside of this business. It's not Wal Mart, where they have people shopping and placing orders in a steady stream all day-every-day. It's a niche market. And not that big of one.

I didn't hear the conversation that took place between Chuck and the OP, but if the OP's attitude was anything like the first post, I have to say I'm not impressed. It sounded like he needed to put on some big boy pants. I have done business with Chuck before, and I will again. Soon.

I have also done business with Tom's, Bronco Graveyard, Wild Horses, Duff's, and even K bar S and Vintage Bronco's, when they were around. I think every single one of them has been bashed by some whiney customer one here one time or another. I have found with all of them that if you call and speak to them in a rational manner, with a calm voice, you will get satisfactory resolution.

To the OP, I don't know how much your time is worth to you, but considering the time you have spent on this $5 shipping charge.....

To the people that posted pictures of the lovely ladies. Thank you!


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
I just read the entire thread, and with my high post count I am shocked not one of you have considered modifying the windshield frame and glass to accommodate this gasket :eek:


New Member
Oct 29, 2004
Have well all just missed the point..

THIS IS A MIRACLE. A 3 CORNER GASKET!!! its like winning the lottery. how in the hell did that happen. i would try to sell it on ebay. ;D

I once got a gasket that looked like Elvis from AutoZone.
It was pre-eBay so I had no market for it and returned it.

I am on another forum most of the time so my post count here is low but I can understand the post count comment. It is not a thing of value. If you went on my forum and in the first couple posts wrote that you had a problem with someone on our forum that has a lot of posts, chances are we are friends with that person and not you. If you expect to get support in your problem with our friend, you are mistaken.

Right on :) Locals RULE.

Hey Rev, I had a blonde like that for about 6 months!!! Crazy broad put me in debt and tried to have me locked up when I threw her and her dog out of my apartment!!! Finally got rid of her, that was 30 years ago!!!!

I am sure if Kate Upton (left) wanted to move in, you'd do it all over again :)


Sr. Member
May 29, 2008
stanwood Wa
LOL, nice gasket!
Doesnt matter who makes the product, if you sell it you are responsible for it. If its crap then the seller should pay for the ship back and the return of the right product. Common practice with any vendor anywhere I have bought product from. No need to piss off a customer over $5 worth of shipping. No reason he should have to pay to ship it back. It wasnt a warranty issue it was a defective product issue.

As far as the phones, I thought the message said when the lunch break was. I'd cut some slack on that, BC isnt a huge business with a lot of employees, there is going to be some down time.

Very well put! BC has been going down hill for a long time, and i know i wouldn't stand for that. It could have been me, or any one of you here, extortion or not, YOU(Chuck) are responsable, not the customer!


Bronco Guru
May 29, 2006
I'd like the blond AND her lady friend in that pic above to BOTH move in.

I would then pack the three of us in the truck and make a road trip to Ingrahm , Texas so I could buy stuff from BC's .... again. :cool:

In all reality , I'll just be buying from BC's again. :( (sad because the girls won't be with me this time)