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Big THANKS!!! to NC-Fordguy


Full Member
Dec 7, 2006
Well I haven't posted on here in a while but I have to break my silence.

This is a great website and message board and has a great deal of information so I do a lot of reading. I appreciate the postings and technical articles, and how too's. This is the best site by far.

Being a single woman with some mechanical ability, I was not comfortable asking for help as I wanted to be sure I wasn't upsetting the "harmony" amongst the married or involved people on this board, but what can I say I'm old school and this shat happens,,, I know so I try to avoid any misunderstandings. Plus sometimes guys don't want girls hanging around too much,,, and I understand the need for the sexes to hangout with each without alot of grief. Me, I kinda do my own thing,,, but it's a little hard for me to talk broncos with my girlfriends,, hahaha.

My first bronco was is a real beater and way beyond my abilities (the pics are on here) and I was really discouraged. Then I happened to come by a 69 sitting under a shed last December and this one was too good to pass up. As usual with it sitting for a while it had the usual issues.

As I started to drive and attempt work on things I ran into things I knew I either have to pay someone to fix or try and get help. No Brakes and it was backfiring through the carb, (we're talking flames), fuel pump leaking, it was cooking the battery, so I had electrical issues galore and enough fumes to gas a elephant and a host of little things to be resolved but definitely a diamond in the rough.

I paid a shop to go through the bronco and fix the brakes and the bill was "breath taking" shall we say. They did a good job but I really wanted to learn to work on this bronco without being so much in the dark about the mechanics.

Anyway I ended up putting a ad on CL in the automotive services for a "old school" ford mechanic, one who knew carburetors etc and NC-Fordguy "Ed" was one that responded. I recognized his name from Classicbroncos.com and figured he'd be good contact.

Long story short , he came over and hauled my bronco to his garage a few months ago. Over several weekends I would drive down and we started to go over things and making lists of things that needed to be addressed and I ordered parts. I paid for all the parts, gas, and food and we started work. He didn't just do the repairs he taught me and let me do as much of the wrenching as I could and that's exactly what I was looking for.

I got a bronco education, it was hot, dirty and sometimes I just didn't get things, but he kept his patience. We'd fix one thing and two more things would pop up,, but that's what being a bronco owner is about sometimes. If I drive it I'll have to learn to fix it he said. So now I know TDC, BTDC, Dwell, how to gap the plugs, make plug wires, use a timing light, how to check the vacuum, what a multimeter is and how to read it, check the electrical system, learned carburetor stuff, about jets and what a power valve is,, what the difference between a center hung and side hung float and whole lot of stuff I can't even remember

I'm happy camper now as it's running fantastic, as we addressed several issues and made it into a reliable daily driver. I've got a ways to go as I have to address the suspension and other stuff etc,, etc. but it make's it all worth when out driving,

NC-Fordguy probably wouldn't want me on here saying this,, But I cannot say Thanks!! enough to Ed and his wife for their hospitality and his expertise,,,, He is a true Bronco brother



Bronco Guru
Jun 1, 2005
Hell yeah! The brotherhood (and sisterhood) at its finest!


Bronco Guru
Sep 26, 2009
That's awesome, I love to hear stories of Bronco guys and gals helping each other out. That's a big part of what makes these old trucks so much fun.


Sr. Member
Aug 27, 2007
Boulder City, NV
Great story and glad to hear your EB is on the road. These are great trucks to wrench on especially w/ family and friends.


Sr. Member
Feb 3, 2002
That is a really cool story ... really demonstrates what owning these old treasures is all about. Learning something new, meeting good folks and enjoying the heck out of the Bronco experience!


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
Aurora, Colorado
That story is more common I suspect on this site than on others. There is more of a brotherhood between bronco owners than most other vehicles. I recently rebuilt my C4 and had some problems and fortunately Viperwolf aka Phil lives not too far from me. He didn't hesistate to stop by and offer his expertise, tools, and knowledge to help me get my rig on the road again. Thank you again Phil...you are the man!

It's hard to explain but...when you do the repairs yourself, even if it takes months longer than taking it to a shop, you feel a closer bond to your Bronco than before. It almost feels like cheating if you don't do it yourself!

Good luck with the rest of it Ponygurl!


Bronco Guru
Jan 30, 2006
Bethel/Greenville NC
I'm glad sweating during those roasting days paid off Ponygurl, sure was a tad bit warm this summer;D

Save those pennies to fund the next project.

Kinda miss having that nice looking Bronco around, lot nicer looking than my hulks. Good it's back in your hands now as It may not have stayed so nice looking. Mudholes were tempting me;D


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Hey, that's great to hear ponygurl. And I'm sure glad you felt you could post it up too. Means that you feel a little more comfortable here hopefully, and that most of us here actually enjoy hearing things like that!

Personally, I'm old-school in so many ways, but never could quite understand why the guys didn't want to include the girls in all the fun stuff we did when we were young. Yeah, some of the stuff, sure. But all of it? Never include the women? What's up with that?
Being my jaded synical self though, I figured early on that, with some of my friends, it was because some of them were just didn't want to find the girls as good, or better than they were in some things. I know that's not the case for everyone, but I'm pretty sure that's right for some. Shootin' and spittin' and axe-throwing, along with farting and swearing maybe?
Hell's bells, all the girls I ever shot with, were great shots. Especially with pistols. Something about a steady hand and eye and breathing (and center-of-balance?) no doubt, but maybe that was hard to take. Me? I loved it! It's great fun doing something with someone (man OR woman) who's never done it before. Would have liked to include more still!
And camping? Hell yeah. Forget the boys-only crap. Bring the whole family and enjoy.
"Besides buddy, your sisters cute and she sure can shoot... And her shy, demure self would probably drink you under the table and fix your flat without busting a finger too!"
He never did listen though.

Anyway, just some rambling thoughts from years past. Glad to hear it's running good with the help of a new friend. And forget the "Girls-need-not-apply" signs. If you see any here, they're just posted up by guys that haven't yet found out what ELSE they've been missing.



Bronco Guru
Jul 14, 2005
glad to hear that ponygurl, Ed is good peoples:cool:...i remember not long ago-you trying so hard to find one,Chuck


Full Member
Dec 15, 2009
Eagle River, Alaska
Great thread ponygurl and totally agree, the blood, sweat and tears we pour into these old horses to keep them on the road is half the fun of owning them not to mention the bond you feel to your rig. OH yea, good on ya NC for helping the lady out.



Sr. Member
Nov 1, 2007
Hey, that's great to hear ponygurl. And I'm sure glad you felt you could post it up too. Means that you feel a little more comfortable here hopefully, and that most of us here actually enjoy hearing things like that!

Personally, I'm old-school in so many ways, but never could quite understand why the guys didn't want to include the girls in all the fun stuff we did when we were young. Yeah, some of the stuff, sure. But all of it? Never include the women? What's up with that?
Being my jaded synical self though, I figured early on that, with some of my friends, it was because some of them were just didn't want to find the girls as good, or better than they were in some things. I know that's not the case for everyone, but I'm pretty sure that's right for some. Shootin' and spittin' and axe-throwing, along with farting and swearing maybe?
Hell's bells, all the girls I ever shot with, were great shots. Especially with pistols. Something about a steady hand and eye and breathing (and center-of-balance?) no doubt, but maybe that was hard to take. Me? I loved it! It's great fun doing something with someone (man OR woman) who's never done it before. Would have liked to include more still!
And camping? Hell yeah. Forget the boys-only crap. Bring the whole family and enjoy.
"Besides buddy, your sisters cute and she sure can shoot... And her shy, demure self would probably drink you under the table and fix your flat without busting a finger too!"
He never did listen though.

Anyway, just some rambling thoughts from years past. Glad to hear it's running good with the help of a new friend. And forget the "Girls-need-not-apply" signs. If you see any here, they're just posted up by guys that haven't yet found out what ELSE they've been missing.


Well said Dirt Donk.