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Bronco vs Land Rover


Full Member
Feb 10, 2002
Boulder, CO
[quote author=sellitall link=board=5;threadid=8607;start=15#61867 date=1031030814]<br>You've owned two D90's? What was the matter? Your first one wasn't the right color. Give me a break.<br><br>Oh yeah, when you get your third one let me know. I'll have my butler take us wheelin'.<br><br>-Steve <br>[/quote]<br><br>alright newbie, i don't know why i'm dignifying this idiotic post with a response but here goes...<br><br>The first one was yellow, which in my opinion is the right color. I bought one that had been totalled, fixed it up, sold it, and made 20 grand. Built any vehicles from the frame up lately??? Then about 6 months later i really missed it and decided i wanted one for myself. This was before i got into really hard wheeling. I got a stock one and it performed great. As i took on harder and harder trails i modified it more until eventually this is how it ended up (the pic is after i fixed up the body to sell it, looks pretty cherry huh?). I eventually sold it because, like i said, it just wasn't cost effective to swap in 60s and a 5.0 to a truck i already had so much money into. Now i have a tow rig and a trail rig for less than i had into the D90 (isn't 0% financing great ;D)<br>


Jr. Member
Jul 20, 2002
I looked into getting a few different types of Lad Rovers before i got the bronco. So i did alot of reasearch. As with any enthusiats automobile, there are strengths, weaknesses and character that all make up the appeal of the car. Like the EB, the land rover has its weaknesses as well, but as enthusiasts we look beyond these weaknesses and either ignore them in favor of the character of hte vehicle, or we try to fix them. The average idiot wouldnt know a thing about the quirks of a defender or an EB and would prob just dismiss them as a result of poor engineering or whatever. After all some people panned the bronco in the late 70s as being too harsh and utilitarian, at a time when the comfortable SUV was emerging ( i.e. The Big Blazer). <br>I guess what i am getting at is, we can't really knock the rover that much....cause EB and Rover enthusiats are often in the same boat.... just trying to make their vehicles look and perform better than the factory could have done back then. <br>So the Brits have trouble with the whole combustion thing, hopefully ford will take care of that, since they bought Jaguar, Rover, and Aston Martin. If ford can do as good of a job as they did with JAguar, then we can expect to see some new things coming out of rover in the next 8 years or so ( including possibly bringing back the D90, albeit scaled down most likely)<br>In terms of off road performance, ever hear of the Camel trophy Challenge?.... enough said. <br>Oh yeah and Rovers are explensive, but many people would argue that EBs are expensive too, not just because of the random parts, but because of the addictiveness of working on a Bronco. <br>thats all i got for now..... but with all the negative comments, i thought i might try to add a positive spin to the whole thing.... Sorry about the length. <br><br>SpecBlend04


I have one of each, 96 disco (wifes grocery getter) and a 76 bronco. You can look at the disco as a grown up bronco, however, the Lucas electronics are for the birds. I like the trainny (wish I had a four speed auto in my bronco), however, it does not have enough HP. <br><br>There is not comparison in my eyes as the "classic" apeal of the EB compared to the D90, the EB has better lines, engine, easier to upgrade and work on. Although both are really the only convertable 4wd alternatives out there.<br><br>My EB is a beach vehicle, and the extent of the Discos Off road work is mdudding in Vermont, I dont use either to there full potential.<br><br>One more note, I thought of trading in the disco two years ago for a new D2, not much difference in the new one and the resale values are horrible. The new 4.6 disco still does not have good HP, they need the BMW V8 thats in the Rangie, or better yet, a 5.0!<br><br>jeff (only 4wd)<br>Audi S6<br>76 EB<br>96 disco<br>


Sr. Member
Jan 28, 2002
Bakersfield, CA
[quote author=civilgee link=board=5;threadid=8607;start=0#61772 date=1031007036]<br>Hey guys, <br>I love my EB, but I would love to get a Defender 90! They look so cool! I have yet to see one covered in mud...I have seen a lot of EB's though!!!!!<br>[/quote]<br><br>I agree they look cool... But I think there's something to be said for being American and driving American. :)<br><br>I can only imagine how much parts would cost for that sucker! Yep, I'll stick with the Bronco.<br><br>


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
Any thing can be made bad ass with the right bucks. Actually I think the rover is the best dirt road 4 wheeler made as long as there is no really bad spots. Do not remove the rear sway bar though. On a relitivaly mild trail Ive personally seen 2 of them bend the rear track bars which then turns the rearend around and jams the drive shaft. A little light on the British engineering. The camel trophy guys got real good at replacing the transmissions in the mud. other than that a good flat dirt road is no problem. They look good with shiny paint and that is why the holyweird crowd likes them. Ill take the rust, the first V8 in a sport utility and I believe the first automatic unfortunately the last to get disc brakes good old Bronco any day. It would be cute to use one to flat tow a Bronco into Pismo or Glamis on Thanksgiving weekend to go real 4-weeling though.