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Carburator Question


New Member
Mar 16, 2003
Ft. Collins, CO
I am going to be purchasing a 1966 Bronco. Everything on the Bronco is rebuilt or new. But their is one problem with the Carburator. It was originally from Mississippi and runs real rough and real rich. I think its because of the elevation difference between their and where I live in Colorado. I think it needs re-jetted for this elevation. Also It's in wyoming and their is a 1500ft difference in elevation and i didn't think it would make a difference whether or not it was adjusted for here or Wyoming. I hope their isn't another problem with the carburator but their may be if its not the elevation difference. If anybody could give me Info or Had some ideas about what i should do, it would be very helpful


Old Bronco Guy
Jun 29, 2001
;D ;D ;D Your on the right track it will need to be regetted for your elevation and you should be good to go. good luck with your toy ( the best year) 8) 8) 8) Bill 8) ::) :p


Just a Bronco guy !
Sep 10, 2002
Niskayuna N.Y.
You could have a number of different problems. Maybe very high float level, maybe vacuum leak, maybe crap stuck in needle and seat. Maybe it just needs adjustment. Use a vacuum gage and turn the mixture screws untill you get the highest vacuum reading and then go from there. 1500 feet isn't a big deal in normal driving conditions. You must also remember that at this time of year gas is blended a little different in different areas of the country. Good luck with it. Welcome to the site.


Bronco Guru
Aug 1, 2002
Seattle, Washington
Welcom to the board. When you get the truck, have the carb rebuilt-in your area. There is a good carb rebuilder in every town, and they know what is neccessary to put you in good shape. Mine is a stock 2 barrel, and the guy here put a "offroad kit" in during the rebuild. Cost me 20 extra dollars, but the EB used to die all the time, and now it runs like a top. I have had it over the top and on the side, and it kept running even then.

Have a great time with the new toy!!
