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cracked head rebuilt motor



I bought a 69 bronco off E-Bay, boy was has that turned out to be a bad idea.I was replacing the cracked Dana 20 and replacing all the seals from the oil pan back when I see anti-freeze coming out of the back of the head. When I dug into the motor to see how bad it was I found out not only is the head unrepairable but the timing chain had a good 1/2 to 3/4 inches of play. Very Loose. So I have decided to replace the entire motor. I called Ford and they use Jasper motors so I have to give them the lead in my decision. I have also been told ATK was also a good rebuilder. Has anyone used either or do you have any input before I make a big decision in where I go with my 69.


Just a Bronco guy !
Sep 10, 2002
Niskayuna N.Y.
I have talked to a couple of people who have used Jasper engines and have had good luck with them. Where are you located? Someone here might know of a better place for engines if you post your location.