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D44 Stub axle O.D.



Hey Guys. Yes I know, just another guest! <br>But I need your help. Can anyone tell me the outside diameter of the Dana 44 stub axle? You know the short axle from the u joint out beyond the steering knuckle. I want to find a lip type seal to fit inside the spindle to protect that Torrington bearing better than the rubber washer/flapper design that is in there now. I'm trying to avoid tearing mine down just to measure.<br>Thanks <br>Garrett


Jr. Member
Oct 9, 2001
Athens, GA
I don't know, but I have one at home I can measure. Don't give up, because when you find a suitable seal, I want the part number ;)<br><br>and by the way, register, its free, easy, and makes you feel all warm and gooey on the inside.<br><br>chum