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dealing with Nationwide re: totalling my bronc


Sr. Member
Mar 1, 2005
Vancouver, WA
I say take the money and run. Talk them down on their buy back, they don't want your truck. If you can repair the damage then the money they are offering doesn't sound to bad.

Hope it all works out.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2004
I say it depends in how you're looking at it. $3600 would probably replace and re-paint your bronco fairly easy. HOWEVER, they are totalling your bronco...meaning it's cheaper to replace than repair. In that respect $4500 isn't near enough considering the value of your bronco. Remind them that it is a collectors vehicle. And if they total it, you would not be able to find a replacement for that price that is near the condition yours is.

I say hang in there, fight for what it would cost you if you were to replace that vehicle. You can use the phrase "If you can't fix my bronco, then you find me a bronco that we agree is near the same condition as mine was". They don't have the time for that either and may drive your settlement price up some.

The decision is up to you, but I think you can get more, then you can repair and repaint, and pay for the rebuild on your front axle and still have some left over for something that might come up later.



Bronco Madman
Jul 30, 2001
Take that amount but tell them to label it fixable and not totaled so no buy back.
That way the rig is still yours and no need to worry about it being labeled salvage.

With my case I actually made money on the truck..


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2001
drscotch said:
That's sure a long way from where they started.

Just make sure you understand the implications of the write-off. In my neck of the woods the re-certification after a write-off can be a real PITA. Now if you know a licensed mechanic it can be a big plus. Also, the write-off becomes a permanent part of the vehicle record at the DMV in our system.
Same in WA


Jr. Member
Oct 3, 2005
all settled- i probably could have kept pushing, but its a real hassle..

deposited their check today in the amount of $3,825.00. ive seen many on ebay in the same shape as, or sometimes worse than mine, going for more- but i need to get some work done on it.

1. hydroboost the brakes
2. gotta replace all the bushings & rubber in the front
3. the hubs need to re redone
4. steering could use some work- will probably see about upgrading that
5. gonna put a roll cage in
6. it could probably use a new wiring harness

-some of this i'll do myself..

as far as the paint & body - that'll wait. ill check ebay for the parts and swap those out myself.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2005
Hornsby, TN
Thanks for keeping us posted. How about a summary of what you did and how it worked? What will you do differently in the future (besides not having a wreck :eek: )? Thanks, Doc


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
For future reference. I never ever tell the insurance company what I paid for a vehicle. (Unless I have more money in it than the true value) The last accident I was in I paid $1400 only 2 months before for it and I refused to tell them this. They only offered me about $450 originally. In the end I accepted $2200 and kept the rig. This price was based on another one in the area that was in similar condition on a car lot. They made 2 or 3 offers before then that I flat refused. The point is the amount I accepted was a replacement value rather than being based off what I paid. Just because I think I can get a similar deal 6 months down the road again is irrelevant because I shouldn't have to use my time up again to do so.


Bronco Guru
Jul 21, 2004
Southwest Va
cisco said:
all settled- i probably could have kept pushing, but its a real hassle..

deposited their check today in the amount of $3,825.00. ive seen many on ebay in the same shape as, or sometimes worse than mine, going for more- but i need to get some work done on it.

1. hydroboost the brakes
2. gotta replace all the bushings & rubber in the front
3. the hubs need to re redone
4. steering could use some work- will probably see about upgrading that
5. gonna put a roll cage in
6. it could probably use a new wiring harness

-some of this i'll do myself..

as far as the paint & body - that'll wait. ill check ebay for the parts and swap those out myself.
Do you now have a salvage title or is it still clean? Let us know.


Sr. Member
Feb 26, 2002
okc ok
the title stays clean if its your vehicle the only time it goes salvage is if you buy a vehicle that was not yours.


Jr. Member
Oct 3, 2005
well, i followed a lot of advice from the guys here. i was nice, documented everything i could find, put it in writing with a well composed letter (inspired by one a member sent me as a sample- thanks again), gathered ebay sales, auto trader sales, blue book value - basically a lot of posturing. its complete bureaucratic bullshit, but i suppose thats the way they like it :)

i wasnt all that aggressive- the first adjuster i saw was a lady who was rude and pretty much screwed things up for the next adjuster who got down to business.

it wasn that bad really- he made offers and i encouraged him to raise it. he had to speak with others, or supervisors, etc. then he came back with a reasonable offer - -$4,500.00 which is what i paid for it initially - but then had to figure in a buyback option. (yes- i regretted mentioning how much i had paid. i think that was a major mistake on my part.)

then we negotiated on the buyback amount.

so it was just a lot of phone calls, a lot of faxing, a lot of negotiating. i think they try and drag it out and tantalize you with quotes of money. that way youre anticipating a big fat check and you'll begin to jump for it.

it went from the initial 1,400.00 to 3,825.00.

i DO have a salvage title. technically, the truck has been totalled and purchased by the insurance company. i bought the truck from them- so they were the owners for a bit.

it sucks- and im not sure what the future ramifications may be, but i intend to keep the truck for many years- so it doesntreally matter to me.

thanks for all the advice guys. hope i didnt let ya down too awful bad.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2004
I wouldn't worry too much about the salvage title. Make sure you keep a couple pictures of the damage and IF you ever sell it, show the prospective buyers the actual damamge. Anyone in their right mind would blow that off as no big deal.

Strangely tho, I did not have a salavage title on mine. the title never left my house. Let us know how the "new stuff" goes!



Jr. Member
Oct 3, 2005

i never mailed my title in either. just assumed they were going to send me a replacement, or put the "salvage" status on file at the DMV..

now i wonder..


Full Member
Jul 29, 2005
Bowling Green, KY
if you never signed the title over, then it is still in original condition. think about it legaly they never owned the truck...