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Detroit Electrac...Anyone running one?


Jr. Member
Oct 17, 2005
Mammoth Lakes, CA
SaddleUp said:
Not quite. The Electrac isn't ever fully locked. It is a limited sip with two levels of slippage. One that is normal and one that is tight. Neither one are the best option for driving on packed snow or ice.

saddle, that's exactly the reason I didn't go with the e-lock. It sounds like a great option and I've been seeing a lot of great reviews on them... but I honestly feel safer driving on pavement covered with snow with "open" differentials, hence the reason I went with dual ARBs. I run a limited slip in the dana60 in my Heep... it's an absolute MESS on the roads even with the slightest amount of snow.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
num said:
saddle, that's exactly the reason I didn't go with the e-lock. It sounds like a great option and I've been seeing a lot of great reviews on them... but I honestly feel safer driving on pavement covered with snow with "open" differentials, hence the reason I went with dual ARBs. I run a limited slip in the dana60 in my Heep... it's an absolute MESS on the roads even with the slightest amount of snow.
Information I've seen since posting that post indicates that my statement may not be completely accurate. I.E. The Electrac may actually be fully locked when it is engaged. (It is unclear from the technical information I found whether it is or not since it has clutches but also appears to have locking cogs as well) As far as driving on packed snow and ice though I still stand by it. I.E. Neither a locker or limited slip are the best option for those conditions.


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2002
Troy, NY
SaddleUp said:
As far as driving on packed snow and ice though I still stand by it. I.E. Neither a locker or limited slip are the best option for those conditions.
I can back that statement up. You really want an open diff if you drive on snow or ice roads. The short wheelbase of a Bronco makes it even worse with a locker.


Bronco Guru
May 5, 2003
Grand Junction, CO
Just a clarification so the thread doesn't mislead anyone: the Electrac is locked solid, just like an ARB, OX, etc., when locked. It's a geared LS when unlocked. There are no clutches in it.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2005
Yeah,I had detroit in the rear,and giving it too much throttle ,my wife slid sideways into a snowbank rounding a corner.It BROKE at Moab last year.I just replaced it with an ARB.Please advise if you get one(E-locker),as soon as taxes get here I'm getting a locker and gears for my front,D-44.I was asking about an E-locker and Ox locker,but a guy on another site told me,E-lockers are weak,and ox is going out of business all the time ,and not backing thier product when they come back.I'm curious just what is best on ice and snow,Randy's told me limited slips are better,Tom ,of Tom's bronco ,runs trutracs front and rear.I thought open diff was better on ice,But I tend to go with what Saddle up advises.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
GJBroncoMan said:
Just a clarification so the thread doesn't mislead anyone: the Electrac is locked solid, just like an ARB, OX, etc., when locked. It's a geared LS when unlocked. There are no clutches in it.
Whoops. I blew it again. Looking at the diagram I think I was actually right the first time. It has a part called a slipper which appears to be a type of clutch. If I am correct and the shift fork just tightens the slipper up then I was closer when I said it just tightened up the LS portion to lock it.


  • ElectracDiagram.jpg
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Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
bandit said:
Yeah,I had detroit in the rear,and giving it too much throttle ,my wife slid sideways into a snowbank rounding a corner.It BROKE at Moab last year.I just replaced it with an ARB.Please advise if you get one(E-locker),as soon as taxes get here I'm getting a locker and gears for my front,D-44.I was asking about an E-locker and Ox locker,but a guy on another site told me,E-lockers are weak,and ox is going out of business all the time ,and not backing thier product when they come back.I'm curious just what is best on ice and snow,Randy's told me limited slips are better,Tom ,of Tom's bronco ,runs trutracs front and rear.I thought open diff was better on ice,But I tend to go with what Saddle up advises.
I'm surprised Randy's told you this. I've heard others say that Tom's tells people this though. For actual snow a limited slip is better because it is forgiving of a little tire slippage. Most of us don't drive on plain snow though on the street but rather on packed snow and ice which is not the same thing.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2005
Not Randy himself,but whoever I talked to when I was pricing my 35 spline rear.I was kind of surprised myself,limited slips in my experience do just that,when your in a jam they slip,and sometimes you dont make it over.


Bronco Guru
May 5, 2003
Grand Junction, CO
SaddleUp said:
Whoops. I blew it again.
We'll overlook it this time. :p The Electrac is essentially a true trac, which is a very good geared LS. They've obviously added "stuff" (that's a technical term ;) ) to it that makes it lock up. And trust me, when you lock it, it's locked solid just like any other selectable locker.