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Do you know what...



New Member
Jun 14, 2005
Laredo, Texas
Mark Troy, u might be right, but it is my first car (im only 14), and i dont want anything to happen to me or my truck when i am driving it around town(the people in my town are horrible drivers, they absolutly suck at it). plus i have to be able to show up my friends in there jeeps, land crusers (older model), and chevys.
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Full Member
Oct 11, 2004
Winston Salem
I am running a 5.5 supension lift and 36x13.50 IROKS. Right now I have my soft top on but this past winter I was running the sam with my Hard Top and Doors on. I never felt like it was going to roll on me but I do slow down for the tight curves. Try a body lift it this really worries you, it should help kep the center of gravity down. I think I'm going to add a 2 inch body lift to mine. IF you do get a suspension lift get leaf packs and not blocks. Its a much better ride. My 5.5 rides a lot better than my old 2.5 with add-a-leafs.



Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2002
Troy, NY
schwarz said:
Mark Troy, u might be right, but it is my first car (im only 14), and i dont want anything to happen to me or my truck when i am driving it around town(the people in my town are horrible drivers, they absolutly suck at it). plus i have to be able to show up my friends in there jeeps, land crusers (older model), and chevys.
Old Bronco's aren't the best first cars. It would be a good idea to wheel it slowly on some dirt roads. Try putting it in and out of ruts. You will get a feel for it. They don't just flip over. If you do start driving on one all other cars will be a piece of cake!