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Door Posts?


Bronco Guru
Aug 27, 2001
Still haven't gotten around to putting in door posts yet. Sorry this is a little long. I am replacing front and rear on both sides. My question is....Do you do both fronts first or one complete side first, rears, or which order is best? i plan on taking measurements many times over before we cut. I just want those doors to fit real nice. Also, once the door posts are tacked in good and solid, do you need to fill the edges around the tacks with fiberglass or any type of filler so they won't be rough for painting?<br><br>Any other tips are appreciated.<br><br>Thanks Much,<br><br>Blue


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
After you get the new posts spot welded in, you will need to get some body shop grade seam sealer to seal those seams off from water and such. Good stuff and not too expensive. That is what professional body shops use. Go in and ask for "Seam Sealer".


Full Member
Jul 30, 2001
springfield, mo.
Do one side first then the other side.That way one side can help hold the dash up in place.<br>I also placved a brace between the bottom of the dash and the floor to help hold the side I working on in place.<br>Do your measureing and then measure some more.<br>This helps ward off lots of problem getting the doors lined up so they'll shut.<br>Luck. ;D


Sr. Member
Sep 10, 2001
Austin, Texas
Take measurements before you cut anything off. Measure twice and cut once. Do one side at a time. Use something solid to brace the dash/cowl area when you remove the hinge post. The doors can be shimmed at the hinges and the striker post a little if needed to get everything lined up. Run a new 5/16-18 bolt or tap through the threaded holes to be sure they're clear-you don't want to get everything welded up and then not be able to bolt the doors or fenders on (trust me). <br><br>