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Durable/Quality Door Mirrors


Jr. Member
Nov 29, 2002
San Ramon, CA
I am on my umteenth set of the 71-80 (?) Ford Pick Up 2/3 triangular mounted door mirrors (not 100% sure what they are called) in just over 3 years. Picked up the first pair at Whitney and the second at Napa etc etc all of which are just pressure-leverage mounted to the top bracket and continualy pop loose after about 4-6 months. Anyone know of a durable/quality after market Mfg name I can purchase a set of and possibly where. I would prefer to pay more quality than having to deal with replacing them all time not to mention the potentional damage caused when the top pops loose at 65 (now at 45) and scrathes the H-ll out of my doors! Thanks!!!!!!!!!

I see them on many Bronco's am I the only one having this problem?


Jr. Member
Aug 16, 2003
Pax River, MD
I can't offer any advice, however, I wanted to say thanks for the heads up. i am looking for a set of mirrors and I will keep this in mind as I look for them.



Sr. Member
Aug 23, 2002
Denver Colorado
If you're just sheet-metal screwing those things to your doors, the problem ain't the mirrors. They need to be mounted with NutCerts (that's what I've always heard them called). They are a flush mounted threaded insert that pops into sheet metal a little like a rivet. They're a much stronger mount than a sheet metal screw in a hole.

It wouldn't be worth buying the set to install these things just for mirrors. I'd recommend you take it to a good body shop and have your mirrors installed, or look for someone who already owns the tool.

I've run the same mirrors you're talking about for years, and never had what you're describing, though the cheap Napa ones on my truck now won't stay adjusted.



Bronco Guru
Aug 1, 2002
Seattle, Washington
Someone here on an earlier thread on this subject recommended www.grote.com. They provide mirrors for the trucking industry.

Another option might be to open up the door from the inside and use a fender washer and nylock nut on a different screw through the mirror. My oem car style mirrors got loosened by whacking branches in forest wheelin, and it was a pain in the wrist, but they are solid now. There is enough clearance in there to clear the screw end if you use the right length, and the nylock holds it tight. I found some stainless philips head screws of the right head shape, washers and nuts at my local Ace hardware(its wet here almost year round...).

Good luck,
