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Electrical - Help me and I promise to take lots of pics wheeling this weekend


Feb 4, 2003
Here's the story...
Help and I will make the trail ride this weekend and take lots of pictures.
Can't help and I might just get stuck at home and shoot my Bronco!

This started with flashing lights---

-I tried two spare headlight swiches I had. No change.

-I tried my old voltage regulator and it did the same thing as the new Napa Mechanical regulator.

-Add a ground strap from the neg. battery terminal to body - Nada change.

This is what is happening--

Voltage is fluctuating between 13-14 volts and idle seems irratic (this seems new)

At idle lights are sound, but as I get on the gas, they start to flicker.

I'm hoping someone knows what is going on before I have to pull it all and drag it in to Napa to check both ALT and VR.

HELP! I've I miss our yearly offroad trip another year, I might do something crazy! AGHHH!

P.S. For HotWheels and whoever else---
I did have an electronic regulator on in the past. It worked up until just recently. When I pulled the cover to see if I could adjust it, I found out it was fried on one solder. When I went and got another one, it was way overcharging. Do I just throw the dice and see if the next one is within spec?


New Member
Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada
If its just your lights your having issues with it sounds like what happened to me it turned out to be the high beam switch mounted on the floor by the e-brake. There must have been a bad conection I just cleaned the terminals and reconected it and it was fine. Hopefully that helps sound exactly like what was happening to me. Good luck