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Flat black paint and wax removal soultion


Full Member
Sep 16, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
Today I was outside enjoying the great weather while cleaning my rig. After cleaning, I noticed that I had got some wax in a few areas on my flat black top. This is one of the reasons I really don't like flat paint. I tried everything from lighter fluid to hydrogen peroxide but nothing worked. Before taking a break, I cleaned my hands with GoJo hand wipes. The ones that come in a role and have a rougher texture. So I thought I might as well try it on the wax spots. Wow, I was really surprised how good it worked at removing the marks. While it's not ready for the concours d'elegance, it did a pretty nice job. I applied some pressure as I worked the towelette back and forth.Try it in a non-conspicuous area first. I hope this works for other members too.;D;D

-Best regards,
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