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Grill Trim Install


Sr. Member
Apr 3, 2022
So I'm finally back from an extended work trip (5 months) and will hopefully get the Bronco done in the next few months.
I was extremely happy with how the paint came out overall, with one exception.
I painted the inset of the grill white and unfortunately, the tape left tiny little jagged marks in one of the corners where the white and green slightly bleed under the tape. I did not want to repaint the entire grill in that it was a very minor imperfection that probably no one but me would even notice. However, it bugged me!

So although I am not installing the body side trim, I thought maybe the grill trim might go directly over the line in the grill between the body color and the white and cover over the small paint imperfection in one of the corners. I also like how the grill trim makes the grill look. So I ordered the trim set from Toms. The trim from Toms is very nice!

First thing I noticed when doing a test fit was that the height of the trim (the north/south length of the corner pieces) went up above my horizontal trim line by about an inch. Bummer. I decided to cut the corner sections in two and make the bottom half go into the top half just enough that the corners matched the horizontal paint lines. Took some time and patience to get it all on correctly, but came out nice and mission completed. It was however, nerve racking drilling holes into my new grill.



Bronco Guru
Jan 29, 2010
Lincoln NE
I added the trim to my 76 SD, as well. I really like the look.

Nice job, your rig is looking great.