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headers vs stock manifold?


Jr. Member
Nov 6, 2003
Staten Island
Looking for a little more help. I need to put a new exhaust system in and my manifolds are bad and need to be replaced also. I was wondering if headers were that much better than the stock manifolds?


Jr. Member
Mar 7, 2003
Headers are a good power modification. They boost torque and horsepower throughout the powerband when compared to manifolds (even hi-perf manifolds). However as far as maintainence goes manifolds are much easier to deal with. They take up less space, are easier to remove and make jobs such as changing spark plugs much easier. For example in order to install the headers on my '66 i had to disconnect most of the linkage going to the engine as well as lift it 8" and lower it down with the headers held in place on the sides. Then i had to reroute the front brake line and several other hoses. I believe the power improvement is worth it, but their are those who do not. It's all a matter of comprimises and personal preference. I hope this helps.


Bronco Guru
Oct 22, 2003
I have headers and I have to agree, they come with certain headaches. I actually have to use an open end wrench to change one of my spark plugs because I can't get a socket to clear the header tube. Sometimes you have to watch clearances for things that melt. My speedometer cable bit the dust from a little cozy time with the drivers side header.

I also think the power difference is worth the headaches. If you get headers do yourself a favor and get a set of locking header bolts (Stage 8 brand, for example). Headers are notorious for loosening up.


Apr 22, 2003
Coker, Alabama
I was surprised by how good the Dynamax headers I used fit.Pass side was two piece and I was worried about that but it was no problem.It was a juggling act to mount the headers and the starter at the same time and I had to relocate the clutch spring but plugs are easy to get to and they fit better than Hedmans I used last.It was an easy install.HTHs


Full Member
Aug 17, 2003
Western Oregon
I have the ceramic coated Duff headers and they are pretty maintenance free. It adds free horsepower and I have heard it actually increases fuel effeciency, although I have never checked. The look pretty cool too:)


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I would definitly go with headers you should see at least 10 more HP and if you plan on any future mods like intake and carb, or cam you will definitly need them even more to realize the full benefit of those mods. the small block ford needs all the help it can get on the ehaust side of the engine and stock manifolds just dont cut it why waste the money on components that will offer no gain? as stated some headers do have small drawbacks but I think they are worth the performance increase that you will gain


Old Bronco Guy
Jun 29, 2001
%) %) %) If you get a good typ header you shouldnt have to meney problems I run hooker wheel well and they fit well but there a lot of good brands out there just shop around and DON'T get hooker made in mexico there crap and crack easy other wise good luck.:p :p :p Bill 8) %) :p


Full Member
Oct 18, 2003
Salem, Or
I was thinking about getting headers on mine since my exhaust is in desperate need of attention. What are the best type out there and why?


Full Member
Aug 9, 2003
I like my ceramic coated Duff's headers. Install em from underneath and you don't need to disconnect anything.

Wait... I have an auto. If you have a clutch you may need to mess with the linkage.

Ditto on the locking bolts, though. Mine have come loose and my next "mod" will be those bolts.

As for which is the best... I have no idea. The only way to know would be to buy a pair of each, spend the time installing each (for rating ease) and run / dyno each. Frankly.. unless you are running one seriously built motor I wouldn't sweat it. Pick one for whichever reasons you choose and run with em.

(I chose Duff's to support a local Bronco shop, and cause I knew Bronco headers would fit a Bronco, where 'Stang headers might not. Chose ceramic coater for rust protection.)