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HELP - Obama War Zone Visit


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2002
Troy, NY
Didnt he aplogize on page one? %)
The person attacking me for my statement is a different member than the one that started this thread.
gtown68 has done all he can to do the right thing and has my respect for doing so. A true gentleman.:cool:


Bronco Guru
Mar 29, 2004
I don't think any of us would argue that post 9-11 "WE" (the entire free world )(which by the way, has since turned into a handful of responsible and forward looking nations ) needed to combat terrorism on a global scale....

You ask how do we that? (as I'm sure ol' dub did to his top advisers, soon after that fatefull day)...Well, if it were me sitting there being asked, I'd say; "fighting terrorisim on a global scale is like trying to eliminate an ant colony with an eye dropper full of sugar water, what we need to do is keep all the "bad" eggs in one basket. and I'd pick the biggest crap-hole of a basket I could find, one that has been a thorn in the side of an entire region and the world for the last several decades."

GW and his staff are alot smarter than most give him credit. Iraq has been a Black-hole in space, a vacuum, a quick-sand of sorts for the terrorist community. And while we here in the US have enjoyed our freedoms and peace and quiet, the terrorist have flocked to one small corner of the world. The well is running dry, just ask one of the non "brain-washed" troops coming home.

God bless the troops and the USA for thier sacrifices and dedication to see this thing through. God forgive us if we don't.....

CW3, AH-64 Apache Pilot
Desert Shield, Desert Storm
Operation Joint Endev.

That's awesome. Thank you. I wish more people were smart enough to think this way. As far as Obama & the troops go...I don't know. I just hope he doesn't win. I can't believe how so many people want this country to go down the path of socialism (with Obama). I guess there's more people who can't make it on their own than who can. Freekin nightmare...


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
I don't think any of us would argue that post 9-11 "WE" (the entire free world )(which by the way, has since turned into a handful of responsible and forward looking nations ) needed to combat terrorism on a global scale....

You ask how do we that? (as I'm sure ol' dub did to his top advisers, soon after that fatefull day)...Well, if it were me sitting there being asked, I'd say; "fighting terrorisim on a global scale is like trying to eliminate an ant colony with an eye dropper full of sugar water, what we need to do is keep all the "bad" eggs in one basket. and I'd pick the biggest crap-hole of a basket I could find, one that has been a thorn in the side of an entire region and the world for the last several decades."

GW and his staff are alot smarter than most give him credit. Iraq has been a Black-hole in space, a vacuum, a quick-sand of sorts for the terrorist community. And while we here in the US have enjoyed our freedoms and peace and quiet, the terrorist have flocked to one small corner of the world. The well is running dry, just ask one of the non "brain-washed" troops coming home.

God bless the troops and the USA for thier sacrifices and dedication to see this thing through. God forgive us if we don't.....

CW3, AH-64 Apache Pilot
Desert Shield, Desert Storm
Operation Joint Endev.

Amen!..and thank you.

Off topic: those 70mm rockets you fly around with on occasion. Those were my 'babies' many moons ago...back when I were a rocket scientist. ;)


Bronco Guru
May 12, 2007
Chief Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell confirmed to Politico that Department of Defense officials cautioned Barack Obama's campaign that his planned visit to wounded American troops in Germany could not be political in nature.

"Sen. Obama is welcome to visit Landstuhl or any military hospital in his official capacity as a United States senator," Morrell said in a brief interview. "But there is a DoD policy which governs campaigning and electioneering at military facilities that would have to be respected if he were to visit. That distinction was relayed and made clear to campaign, and they made a decision on their own based on that guidance."

What Morrell did not say is whether, as Obama senior adviser told reporters travelling with the candidate earlier today, DoD officials initially cleared the visit before offering the reminder about political activity on military posts.

"I don’t know the exact nature of conversations between [Obama's campaign] and European Command," he said.

Morrell did, however, indicate that they made no assessment about the nature of Obama's trip.

"We didn’t make any judgement whether it was or was not campaigning," he said.

I've emailed another DoD spokesman for further clarification on the timeline and will update when I get more.


Sr. Member
Jun 6, 2003
Jacksboro Tn
Don't know if its true or not but its already loaded in Snopes for research. I'd keep checking back every so often to see what they find out:

I don't think it's true. Not because I'm an Obama supporter. But because he didn't get this far by being THAT dumb. Any presidential candidate knows that you can't blow off troops and it not get back to the people in today's information age. I can't imagine he'd be so stupid as to commit political suicide like that, cause that's what it would be. And I guarantee you he and his campaign managers know that.

Chief Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell confirmed to Politico that Department of Defense officials cautioned Barack Obama's campaign that his planned visit to wounded American troops in Germany could not be political in nature and that he would be barred from bringing along campaign staff and reporters.


So if he can't use it for political gain...not worth his time.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Snopes now has it classifed as 'false' today and with official Army comment to back that up.

Suspected as much...I've seen too many similar 'letters' surface over the years..


Sr. Member
Jun 6, 2003
Jacksboro Tn
Snopes now has it classifed as 'false' today and with official Army comment to back that up.

Suspected as much...I've seen too many similar 'letters' surface over the years..

I guess someone should alert Foxnews about it...;)

So, done anything interesting on the Bronco lately? ;D


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
I guess someone should alert Foxnews about it...;)

So, done anything interesting on the Bronco lately? ;D

Well..I turned my little brother loose with it this weekend. So it will be 'interesting' to see what comes home.:p He's at the Big Dogs VaTech Memorial Run this weekend..


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Snopes now has it classifed as 'false' today and with official Army comment to back that up.

Suspected as much...I've seen too many similar 'letters' surface over the years..

Update. It looks like the original email was real enough but the CPT has since recanted ... and is probably in some hot water for making a 'public' political statement.


Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2005
Southern California


Bronco Guru
Oct 17, 2006
The AP report I heard this morning said that the Pentagon recommended against the visit not because of political reasons but, rather, security concerns. Don't flare back at me on this one, I can't imagine why there would be security concerns there but that was the report. Guess the story depends on who the source is. Has anybody talked about his visit to Walter Reed in June, when he went without his advisers & any press? I know my cousin (who was there) was impressed.

To make this particular post Bronco related: drove it to the shop this morning; not looking forward to the 110 degree trip home this afternoon.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
'Security concerns' is a funny little pair of words that can actually be incredibly complicated. There is the cost and resources required. In many cases, liason with other national security than US, something that can often be difficult. There is the inevitable disruption at location and en-route. And in a case like Obama's..there is the HUGE liability hanging out there that some nut somewhere will be gunning for him for a variety of reasons..even simply for the notoriety they would gain..and that is something no commanding officer and that officer's superiors want to have happen on their watch.


Full Member
Mar 16, 2007
Georgetown, Texas
Yes, yes I have.

I guess someone should alert Foxnews about it...;)

So, done anything interesting on the Bronco lately? ;D

Took my half cab and had it sand blasted. It was in worse condition than originally though. Got it welded back up and ready for the paint and body work.


May 3, 2003
Group W Bench
well this week I installed the new electric Tank switch in two different spots before I was happy, then installed the newer style aux fuel tank( with Vent), and had it in and out three times because it leaked once ( seal) and the second time I pinched a line, everything works except the gauge for the rear tank, shit, I will work on it later I am headed up this weekend to see if there is any mud up there real high


Sr. Member
Jun 6, 2003
Jacksboro Tn
Took my half cab and had it sand blasted. It was in worse condition than originally though. Got it welded back up and ready for the paint and body work.

I've always loved the half cabs. Chris is buying my trial rig...the '73 that is posted in the Broncos for sale section. Time to step up my game and get started on the tube chassis...with EB skins ;D

As for Obama, I'm hearing that the part about him not visiting because he could not bring the media with him is true. It's all over the radio and news stations. If this comes out to be true, snoops will have a lot of explaining to do. If they are wrong about this, what else have they been wrong about concerning him?

Now back to the real interesting things...our rigs ;D Hopefully I'll have the buggy finished and tested by spring. Yeah, I'm a little slow but dang there are tons of welding to get done. I'm going to start a tread once I get a little further on the build. Maybe someone can point out any mistakes I might be making or give some opinions on how things are going.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2005
Nevada IA
Sorry to bring back the main subject but it's offical. If Obama couldn't bring his camera's and make it political, he wouldn't/didn't go visit the troops. He could of gone without the camera's. He gives a great speech but he needs to grow up a lil before he plays with the big boys.


New Member
Sep 9, 2005
Twentynine Palms, CA
I find it off-putting when service members want to be thanked all the time. Especially some guy pulling duty as a watch officer in some UOC. Did he join the military to get a pat on the back?

I remember being in Baghdad last year when McCain visited the Shorja Market for a huge photo opportunity and later said the fact that he can walk around downtown Baghdad is proof that it's getting better. You cannot imagine the unnecessary manpower it took to close off that entire market and ensure its safety. Patrols were canceled, attack helicopters re-routed, etc. I would prefer that when politicians visit combat zones, they keep their butts at the FOBs and just play basketball and take pictures.