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How much is it worth/talk me out of it...


Bronco Guru
Apr 22, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
So this is the hardest thread to even write.

I'm seriously thinking of selling my 77.


Boiled down version: Only drive her around 250 miles a year. Just don't have enough time to devote to her. Guy with more money than sense wants to buy. Could sell; then pay off bills, save some, and pay for our trip to Italy next year.

But at the end of the day, that means I have to sell my Bronco.

Long In-depth version with description:
So here are some links to posts during her build:
When I bought her
Thread 1 with some pictures
Thread 2 with bling pictures

So I've got years and countless hours in her. I've got more money than I know I will get out and I've come to terms with that long ago.

A quick list to the new/upgraded/rebuilt parts:
Reupholstered seats with new foam in drivers,
200 amp alternator and dual battery set-up
Twin stick'd,
new weatherstripping,
2 pairs of Hella lights,
Full Ron Francis wiring kit, plus 8 interior switches with in-cab winch controls,
Tuffy Center console, lockable glove box and rear box (all re-keyed to 1 key)
CD player with iPod/iPhone controls, 10 disc changer, 1300 watts total power,
Rebuilt speedo with white faces, elec dual battery gauges,
LeCarra steering wheel, horn button, etc
Rekeyed all doors and added custom lock knobs (with matching pull knobs for the dash) and shifters
Fully stripped and rebuild Warn 8074 winch (new motor and solenoids [which are mounted under the bumper])
Interior LEDs
Line-X'd interior, undercoated (done in the 80's by a Cadillac dealership),
New rocker and drivers floor welded in (before Line-X)
H4 headlights,
4-wheel disc brakes (original D44 front discs and BCB's large bearing rear disc setup)
and then more incidentals and small stuff too...

I also have 2 rust free doors, full glass for hardtop, multiple interior door panels, a full front floor pan, and multiple boxes of odds and ends to send along.

For those interested in the history (if it adds value) I have the ORIGINAL LEIN AND ORIGINAL TITLE to the Bronco. I can prove it's history from being ORDERED from the dealership to the previous owner, then it's transfer to me. This is a verifiable 2 owner bronco.

So that's the gist.
I'm not in financial trouble, I just fear that when we start trying to have children (t-minus 11 months) she will end up with even less of my attention then it gets now. And with someone who I know is VERY interested in at least dealing with me on buying her and can afford to pay enough to get me to part with it, I feel I have to entertain the offer. But in doing so, if he agrees, I don't want to back out.

So help me out. Toss me the fair market value that you would pay for a Bronco like this. Please feel free to ask as many questions as you can to help you get an idea on the cost. If anyone local wants to come and see her first hand and give me feedback, please do. I'll be as honest as I can in answering questions.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know I haven't been around for a while, but life has been getting in the way of my Bronco time...:cry:


Bronco Guru
Oct 9, 2004
Can't beat a vehicle that you know intimately, Just saying.

I would much rather transport a newborn in a Bronco than any of the plastic and tin things they are selling these day's! Keep it or you will always be wanting another.


Sr. Member
Feb 13, 2007
Chandler, Az
If you sell it, the money will slowly disappear and 2 years from now you will have no bronco and no money. At least that's how it works for me.

It's paid for and not costing you much, insurance and registration, to keep it. Besides your kids to be will love it.


Bronco Guru
Apr 22, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
br0nc0xrapt0r: I'm fully aware that I will NEVER recoup the money I have in her. Let alone pay myself for the time spent. That's not the reason I got her.

Dan74Bronc: The money will be gone in 12 months or less. But it would pay off some CC debt and I'd save on the interest, etc...

Dan76: By 'our' I mean 'my wife and my portion' of the trip we are taking with 2 other couples. And this has no tinge of peer pressure from her. In all honesty, she's fully indifferent. She's lived through me building my first 77, then rolling it, selling it, and buying ANOTHER one. Still married me, HA! So she deals with my projects (I also build/design speakers, furniture, etc.) We've already budgeted the money and have started to save, the sale would simply fully pay it off in one fail swoop.


Bronco Guru
Aug 13, 2004
LOST YA DAMN MIND!.........you know smokin that stuffs illegal?


Sr. Member
Jul 28, 2010
Phoenix, Arizona
I sold my custom Harley when I had kids - not because I didnt have time to ride, but I thought is was selfish to have something for me and occassionally when my wife would go with me.

To replace the harley, I just got a 73 Bronco and currently doing a Frame Off. i cannot wait to finish it and get my 2 car seats mounted in the back. It will make trips to Redbox, Fast Food, errands, etc. so much fun. Making it more about the journey than the destination.

You have a 77 which is arguably the most sought after year. It is a great color, condition, time, history, facts, money, a fun hobby, meet new people, etc..

Good Luck in your decision but this is the wrong place to ask for an objectional opinion :)


Bronco Guru
Apr 8, 2008
My 3yr old loves my bronco and mine in not even as nice as yours. When its able to be driven... (bad tires right now so no drivey) and we take my daily driver he fights to take the bronco. I will say its a bit difficult with a car seat in the back or with a sleeping todler and getting in/out but the smile on his face is worth it to me only driving it 250 miles a year..! oh and by the way nice bronco.. KEEP IT!


Resident Dipstick
Aug 4, 2010
Weehawken, NJ
In the past I have sold things (my hobbies) whatever money comes out of it will soon be gone. I really regret doing that. There is no worse feeling than regret.

All that hard work to make the Bronco what it is. You know the thing inside and out. Selling it to someone with "more money than Brains" is not the right thing to do.

I get chased down by people in their cars because they want to make offers. Most notably a dude in an Aston Martin. I told him Ill take his car plus 10 grand so I can get another EB then I hit the skinny pedal.

Dont do it man! What you do need to do is to get your ass in the EB and just drive. No destination - just drive. I cant believe I put more miles on mine doing a Big Mac run than you did all year. Just drive and remember what it feels like to drive a real car. You sell this, you may end up in a mini van cause it can accommodate future kids. As a kid I would be much happier ridin in a Bronco. All the neighborhood kids have gotten a ride in the "monster truck"

The fact that you even have to ask for opinions on this board just tells us that you dont want to sell. Whatever the dude is offering, I bet my left testicle thats its less that what you put into it.

If he is offering 30 grand and more, sell it ;D And start a new one:cool:


Bronco Guru
Sep 5, 2009
I had a fun car that I loved and sold years ago because I didn't think I would have time for it. I regretted it the minute I left and it took me 8 years to get something to replace it. If you really don't need the money, and you really don't want to sell it, then don't. The regret of not selling it is easier to fix than the regret of selling it and not being able to get it back.

I am really just starting to sink serious money into mine and I can already tell you that it will take alot for me to sell it. And I'm just getting started. I know I will have triple what I have right now in it when I'm done and it will be even harder to sell then.

Good luck with your decision but it seems like every Bronco Lover I ever talk to wishes they had one or two back that they let go.


Bronco Guru
May 29, 2006
.... but I thought is was selfish to have something for me .

i cannot wait to finish it and get my 2 car seats mounted in the back. It will make trips to Redbox, Fast Food, errands, etc. so much fun. Making it more about the journey than the destination.

Read the 2 comments above very closely ..... ready now .

1st comment - Having been married over 10 years now , I can assure you , NOT having some of YOUR own stuff , a little YOU time , and freedom to be YOU is VERY unhealthy for the marriage.

2nd Comment - If there is something in that trip for YOU , then it may have a high priority (IE , I'm a WW2 buff kinda , I'd like to see Europe for the old battle sites etc.) but if it is a bunch of younger couples going to "live it up" (get drunk) , how much do you think you will remember of that trip in a couple years -vs- how much will you be wishing that you could load your toddler up in the Bronco and run to Dairy Queen or the grocery store or kids soccer game , etc.
I know half of the fun Emily (5y) has with soccer is getting to ride in the Bronco to her games and practices.
When we want to give Mom some free time , Emily and I load up in the bronco and run to Pat's Icecream Parlor in town or whereever , it doesn't matter , she loves bronco rides.

So really , what's your Bronco worth to you ?

You pretty much know it already , once those kids come .... good luck being able to afford another till they are through college.
Madgyver will have them all on the island by then.


New Member
Jul 9, 2010
I drove my 73 for 7-8 years, drove it into the ground. wrecked bad twice, rebuilt 302 once, engine caught fire twice. parked it with plans on getting it going again. had another car for sale and this guy comes to look, well he somehow leaves with the BRONCO instead!! he gave me 2500$ for a burned up wrecked and abused, NON-RUNNING truck!! I took half that money and bought a scout800 that I had my eye on for awhile, got it running and driving good, but just wasn't the same. Here I am 3 years later, just bought a 75 a couple months ago. same color, same everything as my 73 was( but in better shape) bottom line is I always regretted selling it. YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY, BUT YOU CANT EVER GET YOUR BRONCO BACK!!! (I turned down a serious buyer on the scout a few weeks ago!)


Bronco Alchemist
Jan 21, 2005
I was in "Should I sell it?" mode a few months ago for very different reasons. Took me a couple weeks but common sense eventually prevailed.


Jr. Member
Jul 28, 2010
You aint gotta feed it or clean up after it! What my dad use to say anyway! I sold my toy when my kids were coming, I too felt it would be selfish to keep. Wasnt long before i was starting to get the fever again. Couldnt afford a project at the time so my dad & I went together on a Bronco. Best memories ever, Grandpa, son, & grand kids doin Bronco together! Grandpa's gone now, kids in college, still got "OUR" Bronco! Dont sell her mann!!! Dont sell her!


Sr. Member
May 13, 2008
I'd sell whatever you are driving and making payments on and use the bronco as a daily driver, that way you can use the car payment money to pay the bills. I can't understand why people build them and only drive them on sunny days in the summer, they were made to be driven. I live in Maine and drive mine every day no matter what the weather. Just my opinion.


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2005
Let's break down your reason for selling and change it around a bit
So that's the gist.
I'm not in financial trouble, I just fear that when we start trying to have children (t-minus 11 months) she will end up with even less of my attention then it gets now.
1) Possible for a short period of time but what you won't realize until quite a few years from now is the short trips with your children in the Bronco and the memories they will have and share with their kids. My grandkids flock to the Bronco when they come over, the Bronco is a important part of their life and their dreams.
2) It's not financial, then there is no logical reason to sell the one vehicle that brings so many happiness, sell that boat in the background of the picture if you need to but hang on to the one thing that when you drive her around all of the worries of the world dissappear.
And with someone who I know is VERY interested in at least dealing with me on buying her and can afford to pay enough to get me to part with it, I feel I have to entertain the offer. But in doing so, if he agrees, I don't want to back out.
2) If this is someone you know and you will see the Bronco from time to time you will regret it and always wish you still had her.


Bronco Guru
May 29, 2006
Has this thread helped you determine a value for your bronco yet ? LOL!