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I know election day is over but you guys need to VOTE


Just a Bronco guy !
Sep 10, 2002
Niskayuna N.Y.
Thanks to all the people who do vote for our site and for those of you new people who don't know how, listen up ! GO TO THE BOTTOM OF ANY PAGE and CLICK on where it says TOP 4X4 SITES. Do it once a day !!! The votes mean something ! It means we get to come to this great site for FREE. Our sponsors pay to see their name on top and on top it should be. Just like Early Broncos, ON TOP !!! There have been so many new members here the past few months but I don't know if anyone ever told you how to vote or what we vote for. SO, I'm letting all you know just what we vote for and how to do it. That is not a lot to ask , it's like free admission ;D . Now I'm going to get in trouble for starting another vote thread :( Jon is going to be :mad: but I'm doing it for all of us :-* :-* :-* :)


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
Thanks 2Bad!!!! Maybe everyone needs to be reminded with a hole page of 'VOTE ' threads. I even appealed to the other BroncoG..urus. (see other vote thread-BroncoHowie)


Just a Bronco guy !
Sep 10, 2002
Niskayuna N.Y.
I wasn't trying to be a a$$hole here. I just figure there are a lot of new members and maybe they don't know what the VOTE thread means. I know there are people here who just don't know where to vote. I know most of our regulars vote or we wouldn't have as many votes as we do. I was not trying to get on anyone case, just trying to help out the new members. AND, what about all of the unregistered threads and replies ? Do those people vote ? Can they vote ? Anyway, GREAT JOB to all of you. We are at least 1000 votes behind but it could be worse :)


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
Well, we're up to 4th place!!! guess maybe the soap boxes helped some!. 2Bad - didn't think you were being an a$$hole - but it seems to me that if all the regulars vote (as we know they do) and then the new members vote - we shouldn't have ANY problem staying in 1st place.

thanks for the help - by the way - are you still going to try to come to the RoundUp next Sept.? You'd sure give some of the Iowa guys a run for the 'Iron Butt'


Just a Bronco guy !
Sep 10, 2002
Niskayuna N.Y.
I sure would love to go down there. I'm really thrashing on a Bronco that I can drive anywhere. Do they really shoot at Yankees down there ? I don't want any holes in my new paint job. And , now that I think of it , wasn't deliverance filmed down there ? ;D ;D