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installing fiberglass body


Full Member
Apr 9, 2003
long island
This is my first post. I will soon be starting the task of installing a kentrol fiberglass body. Was wondering if those of you that have done it have any help to the rookie that hasn't. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Bronco Guru
Aug 6, 2002
I think that there are instructions on the website, and i am assuming you got a set with tht body, i helped with a buddies heep body and it was pretty straight foreward. I dont know the kentrol bodies but we found a couple spots that we beefed up a bit before installing with either steel or more fiberglass cloth and resin. The other issue is that you have to run grounds to all the electrical connections. I dont know if this is what you want, but it is my .02.



Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2002
Troy, NY
The very first thing you want to do is take lots of pictures. Follow the directions. Be prepared to do some grinding of the parts to get the right fit. The front body mounts are usually too hig or low. adjust with fender washers. install everything looseand tighten and adjust as needed. If you don't have a top you need to brace the windshield. I wouldn't trust hanging factory doors on thee body. They are pretty heavy. most of the body bolts will be too short where they go through 2 layers of glass. Electrical grounds aren't that bad. Add a larger ground to the dash and frame. You'll probably have to add a ground wire to the electrical fixtures that are mounted to glass. Just run one through the screw or bolt and down to the frame . Any questions feel free to email me.


Full Member
Apr 1, 2002
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
I am about 3/4 finished with my Kentrol install. If you are a perfectionist or if you think everything will fit together without alot of "customizing" then you have a long hard road ahead of you. I agree with everything Ken said above. The parts will not fit together without alot of cutting, grinding, sanding etc. My Kentrol body is about 6 years old so there is the possibility the quality control has improved. I reinforced some areas with steel. I put an diamond plate reinforcing plate under the front seat so I could mount an emergency brake bracket through the floor. I also reinforced the area where the brake pedal/gas pedal assembly goes through the firewall. I mounted it without the plate first and then I saw lots of flex in the firewall when I depressed the brakes. A dremmel works very well for cutting detailed holes anywhere in the body. The instructions are a good starting guide so I would suggest using them. The best advice I can give is to be patient and to measure twice cut once (don't ask how I know this one)( :) Oh yeah, forget about using the doorxs, if some were to try to pull themselves into the Bronco using the doors I think they would tear out of the body!!



New Member
Dec 11, 2002
College Station, TX
I have a fiberglass tub, front fenders, and hood on my 1975. (Steel doors, tailgate, windshield frame, and grill) I do not know what brand the body is, but there is no problem with the firewall by the brake and clutch pedals (steel plate inside), and there is no problem with the doors either. I would eventually like to go back to a steel tub one day (i don't know why exactly) but it has no problems at all really, and is very easy to work on, ie. repair dents, cut out for gorilla warflares, etc.


Sr. Member
Sep 10, 2001
All of the body parts (except hood and tailgate) on my Bronco are Kentrol. My stuff was some of the first made with their new forms. Made sometime in 2000? I think they are of very high quality and reinforced in all the right places. I've started a small FAQ sheet to answer some of the questions I get from people. E-mail me at dfultz(at)scs.uiuc.edu (trying to outsmart those junkmail bots) and I will send it to you in Word format. Feel free to ask anything anytime. I think you will enjoy the results of your labors.

Shameless Plug: My bronco is posted as Truck of the Month at Kentrol this month.


Run a huge ground wire :D I've learned it the hard way on my fiberglass body