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Laws-running with no doors



Sr. Member
Mar 24, 2004
Everyone- Thanks so much for all the replys. Its nice to have a caring bunch of bronco owners like myself to turn to for advice. The good news is I did not get issued a ticket for the doors, but just got lectured about it. I was there for a huge classic car cruise in with over 5000+ vehicles and that attracts cops pretty easily. I really think the cop just saw that I was a young guy with a nice truck and figured he better make sure I am legit. If this ever happens again I am breaking out my ad with a roadster and telling them to move on. I did also install a really cool side mirror to try to keep them off my back. So whats everyones thoughts on street rod tags...do they give the driver slack with some issues????

thanks again


I doubt you can register your bronco as a street rod in maryland

thedirtyneck said:
If it is a street rod (ie either made before 1949, or manufactured to look like it was



Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
Then there are the laws that say no cracks in the windshield and you must have wipers. No law saying that you must have a windshield. Last I knew in AZ and CA it was legal to drive a vehicle without a windshield as long as you had wipers. Laws are so neat...


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004

I have heard of this in PA, but you're the first I know of that's it's happend to first hand.

What I was told by other EB owners at shows is that under PA law, if a vehicle has a hard top, it must have hard doors. If it has convertable soft top, it may have soft or no doors. Weather this is accurate or not, I'm not sure.

If you run door inserts I think this will eliminate alot of issues, since it will keep it from looking as if somethign is missing (afterall, if you saw a Ford Taurus going down the road with the doors removed, you'd look close as well, probably the same way our Broncos look to some Cops).

If I were you I would install inserts and keep a copy of an original Ford Bronco Roadster ad or dealer borchure in the glovebox to show it as a factory option.



Sr. Member
Mar 24, 2004
thanks Drew-
nice to see you on classicbroncos.
Check out my other thread i finally got some inserts on and painted took several weeks to rough in and get the work done.....i still wish they were your inserts.

i will def. get an ad in the glove box for proof


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004

At the Carlisle All-Ford Nationals in a couple weeks I can show you some of the Lit dealers who will have orignal ads, dealer brochures, etc.

As for the street rod tags, yes, you can get away with it in MD. Alan Fahey and others I know have them. In PA you can not. I can't even get an antique tag for the trail rig since it not original and in factory condition (we could for two of our stockers, but I like our pesonalized 66 Bronc and 77 Bronc plates better).

My Dad had a '31 Model A that was all stock and had a restoration done in the 60's. It was in need of another restoration since it was scratched up and not new looking (not all rusty or looking like junk though), and PA denied him an antique tag!

In MD, you can also get a Historic tag. This is what Lou runs on his rig.

Basically, it all varies state to state. Some like MD are liberal about thier tags, some like PA are pricks.

I've thought of registering my trail rig in MD though Lou's address since it will likely not pass PA's annual inspection due to tire width, lift, etc.

Yeah, I thought I'd try this forum format as a change to the email lists I've been on for years. There seems to be some good threads here as well.


Jr. Member
Jan 27, 2004
down south its pretty much anything goes. No top, doors, seatbelts,or mirrors. Most trucks here have 40in tires, so i guess there isn't a lift law. Basically if your the "flavor of the day" you get pulled over if not they really don't care. If you do get pulled over they are looking for beer or weed. Then you can go on your merry way.


Full Member
Apr 19, 2004
Central PA
Wow, you guys are lucky not to get pulled over. I've been wondering about this myself...(whether or not I can get away with no doors). I'm in PA. I also own a CJ-7. The cops WILL pull you over if you have no doors on even a Jeep. Some say there's laws against it. I researched the vehicle law and the ONLY ground they can try to stand on is that all original equipment must be present and in functionable order. So that leaves the question of model years and different makes. Most cops around here are such pricks that they won't let you argue any case...and they won't disclose where exactly they're pulling the rules from.

I discussed this with the local police and mentioned that a Jeep could be ordered without top and doors. They just looked down on me and said "really, who would order a vehicle without the top and doors?" Does it matter??? :mad: Then they said the only way I could drive without doors was to have a copy of the build sheet for my particular Jeep that proves if it was ordered without doors. Help people!! I have a '66 Bronco that I'd love to put roadster inserts in...but I don't want the fine. Anybody else live in PA that has gotten away with just having a picture and description of the roadster?? I believe inspection law states that any modification that was done within the model year of your vehicle is allowed. Anybody have any support for that...I'd love to print it out and carry it with me!!

*sigh* I'm moving away.


Sr. Member
Mar 24, 2004
Muddy and Jolly-
Thanks so much for your thoughts..I doubt it will be a problem with me where I live but who knows.
Thanks for all the input and I would live to find some lit at Carlisle.
What do you suggest I do about tags. Go street rod or historic. Whats the advantages/dis. to your knowledge? Thanks and can't wait to see you this weekend. did you get my email


Bronco Guru
Mar 10, 2004
Muddy1966Bronco said:
Wow, you guys are lucky not to get pulled over. I've been wondering about this myself...(whether or not I can get away with no doors). I'm in PA. I also own a CJ-7. The cops WILL pull you over if you have no doors on even a Jeep. Some say there's laws against it. I researched the vehicle law and the ONLY ground they can try to stand on is that all original equipment must be present and in functionable order. So that leaves the question of model years and different makes. Most cops around here are such pricks that they won't let you argue any case...and they won't disclose where exactly they're pulling the rules from.
I'm moving away.

Ok... According to PA law (I'm originally from PA) here it is

PA Code § 175.77. Body:
(f) Doors. A vehicle specified under this subchapter shall be equipped with doors of a type used as original equipment. The doors shall open and close securely unless the vehicle has been manufactured or modified to the extent that there is no roof or side. Tailgates, except on vehicles where the tailgate gives access to the passenger compartment, may be replaced with wood planking, nets or other material that will prevent loss of load. Tailgates may be removed when optional equipment, for example a truck camper, is added.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004

I live in York and work near Lancaster in New Holland. I drive my trail rig 99.9% on the trail, so it has not been an issue (if I get pulled over on the way back to camp I will have bigger problems ;^)

We have a fully restored 66 U130 (Factory Roadster) and have not had an issue with it either, but again, it does not get many miles on the road since it's pretty much a show queen and summer weekend cruiser now.


I'm not sure which is more benificial, MD Historic or Street Rod tags. Email Allen and Lou to get first hand info since they have done it. Yes, I got your email and am looking at my schedule this weekend to see when I will be at Lou's shop for sure.


Good info from the PA vehicle code. Seems to me that this is where I have heard that if a vehicle has a hard top it must have doors, and if it has a convertabel top it does not need them.

I'm no lawyer, but this seems to allow the simple removal of the hardtop and doors since that would contitue a modification where there is no roof, and thus doors would not be required.

"The doors shall open and close securely unless the vehicle has been manufactured or modified to the extent that there is no roof or side"


Bronco Guru
Mar 10, 2004
Just to clarify... The issue of having a roof or not does not relate to having doors ... It is talking about the "seal". The door does not have to seal if it does not have a top to seal to.. The legality of a door or not is related back to the original equipment idea... The grey area is... original equipment to your exact vehicle, the year of your vehicle, or model.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
:( Yeah, I see your point.

I guess that part of the code just lets you out of having them fit properly, but if you had no top or sides, it would be a pretty funny looking rig with just doors! ;D

Yes, the better defense would be that they came from the OEM with that type of door (none, just and insert). Soft doors and the soft top were options on the Roadster, not standard.

Without inserts, if wold be a tougher sell IMO, simply because it would raise the question further to as if that was actually orignally a Roadster. I would not expect a District Justice would know that there were U130, U140 and U150 models and which years they were offered, so you *should* be able to get away with using a 1968 brochure or ad in defense of your '77?


Bronco Guru
May 6, 2004
Los Angeles
71 BRNCO, I saw your other thread with the pictures of your sweet rig. And I can see why you got pulled over. I would want a closer look too.

But I don't think it was the driving without doors is your problem. It is the driving on the Sidewalks that will get you in trouble. ;D

That would be a moving violation......Big Ticket Item!

Most cops pull people over for equipment violations to find bigger offenses. Example: B/O stop light, contact driver and driver has a warrant, Go directly to Jail.

If everything is all good, then they will tell you to get it fixed and send you on your way. :cool:


Full Member
Sep 7, 2001
Denver, CO
Does anyone have a scanned copy of a one of those factory Roadster ads which they could post? I would like to print one off to keep in my horse.

I'm not sure what the laws are in Colorado, as I've seen plenty of Jeeps and Broncos (and even Blazers) on the roads without doors? I've been victim to the revenue generation department in Boulder (aka Boulder PD) before, so I'd like to do what I can to protect myself.


Jr. Member
Mar 26, 2004
Fayetteville, NC
all of you guys should just move on down south where you get to do anything you want.
i cant believe they hassle you for such petty crap - if they have laws for that, there is no telling what else in on the books. i've seen stuff on the road that i was like, there is NO WAY that thing could pass inspection!

2 things you never mess with in the south is a mans truck and his dog!!!