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Locating a new radiator for 170 I-6


Bronco Goddess
Apr 11, 2005
The title is kinda of misnomer because I already located one, but I wanted to see if anyone else has had the same troubles as I did.

Dixie Lee had a pin hole in the radiator, so I took it out Tuesday evening. When I got it out, it was covered in soldering mess. It had been brazed over at least 8 different times. I took it down to the radiator shop (New Radiator Processes on Winona in Knoxville, VERY GOOD SHOP) to get Mike's opinion and we agreed a new one was most definitely in order.

I looked online already pricing some, JBG had the basic one for $205 with Tom's beating that by very little, coming in at $195. I was sure I could do better. So me and Mike start looking through the catalog. Every one he had showed the 302 as the only engine in every year Bronco. We looked under 6 cylinders in Falcons and Mustangs. No luck there either. We couldn't even find the serial number from the old one in the catalogs (C4something something, with C meaning 1960s and 4 meaning 1964, and it came out of my 71). Finally, he said he thought it looked like one for an Econoline van, and sure enough, it was the same size. However, the brackets were in the opposite direction. We ended up taking the new ones off and using the old ones. All told, new radiator was $155.

Anyway, just an FYI. The I-6 will use an Econoline radiator.

PS Wait, I think the 71 has a 200 I-6. Isn't that right?


May 3, 2003
Group W Bench
sorry to offend your " VERY GOOD SHOP"
BUt they would NOT do any of my work, I have had two six cyl radiators recored for around 130.
If they are telling you you Need NEW then tell them to KYA.
We have a Big Place near to here Called Seattle Radiator that will boil out the tanks and recore anything and shipp it for less than you payed for new.
I would be surprised that you do not have someone near to you that would not do the same.
The problem with new is they mostly come from ofshore, and the recores are much thicker and last longer cause they come from here.