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loss of power when going uphill


Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
I experienced a strange occurrance while driving throught the mountians this weekend. Going up even the slightest incline would cause me to lose power. I was cruising along at 65mph when I was hitting these hills, and even flooring it I was losing speed. I ended up using third gear up most of them. The two thoughts that I've had about the cause are that my carb is running too rich, or because of the body lift I put on a while back, the linkage to my carburator isn't allowing the throttle to open up fully. Anybody else experienced this after installing a body lift? It may not even be that, its just an idea I had. Any suggestions would be helpful. It kind of pisses me off to be passed by rice burners.


Bronco Totalitarian
Jul 30, 2001
Reno, NV
It could be you're not opening the butterflies far enough, or the timing could not be advancing fully, it will have absolutely no cruising power if the vacuum advance is not working. So look around for the vacuum advance line to the carb.