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MEB's Request for Help with Ingram Tragedy


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Fellow Bronco enthusiasts:

As some of you have heard by now, last week there was a tragic loss to the MEB family. On Wednesday, February 6, one of our members, Elizabeth Ingram, was found murdered in her home. Even more shocking to many of us was that her husband, a long time friend to many of us has been charged with this crime.

For those of us who know Mike and have meet Elizabeth and know how lovingly Mike always spoke of her, this is unimaginable!

Even more tragic is that now that Elizabeth is gone and Mike in jail pending his day in court, their 8 year old adopted twin daughters are once again left without the mother and father they loved. Unfortunately this is not the first tragic loss these girls have experienced in their short lives. About three years ago their mother (Elizabeth’s sister) died and left them with no one to care for them. Mike and Elizabeth eagerly stepped up and adopted them to raise them as their own. Since then the twins have also lost their grandmother (Elizabeth’s mother).

MEB’s Board of Directors feels a deep loss and our deepest heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends who are even closer to this than many of us. We too are very concerned with the welfare of the twins and have decided to ask our members and the Bronco Community to help.

There has been a trust fund set up for the twins by a local bank in Richmond and MEB would like to help by bringing this information to the Bronco community. The Bronco community has suffered some other tragedies in the past several years and we were very happy to be able to assist then as we intend to now.

MEB is a very family oriented club as is much of the Early Bronco community and its vendors. I would like us all to be able to feel that in a time of tragedy, members from our community would be willing to help our surviving young members.

Broncodiecast.com has generously agreed to match the first (5) $100 donations and MEB has also pledged to match the second (5) $100 donations.

As is typical in situations like this, the media seems to be drawing its own conclusions while sensationalizing this tragic event. We have spoken to Mike and his attorney and both are confident that his case will be seen in a better light once all the facts are presented in court. However, the loss of Elizabeth and the situation it has left these young girls in is the paramount concern of Mike's and ours at this point.

Please consider making a donation to this trust fund no matter what the size! $10, $100 or $1000, it will all help as these girls try yet once again to get their lives back to some form of normalcy.
Donations can be sent by the following methods:

1. paypal@earlybroncos.com
2. Check payable to MEB to Randy Silbaugh at 1035 Willowbrook Rd. West Newton, PA 15089
3. Check payable to Morgan and Paxton Ingram Fund and mail to Randy at the address above.

MEB will collect all donations and matching funds and will send them to Union Bank and Trust as a donation to the Morgan and Paxton Ingram Trust Fund from the entire Early Bronco community.

Any other vendors or individuals who may wish to encourage individual donations by offering matching funds, please contact MEB at vicepresident@earlybroncos.com

I and the rest of MEB’s Board of Directors thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope that you will consider making a contribution so that we can assist these girls. Please let us show them and their guardians that the Bronco community is there for them!


Drew Peroni


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
Oh man how sad, thoughts and prayers going out to them. Myself having kids i just couldn't imagine. Will be sending donation. and btt


Sr. Member
Aug 16, 2005
St. louis, MO
Having rode with him at the fawl crawl, all he could talk about were those Girls and his Wife, My deepest condolenses from my family to his. Toby


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
Money sent. I remember meeting Jamie and the twins at the Round Up in Gore last year. They were having a great time. This is truly tragic.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2006
Great news!
6 of the 10 matching $100 contributions have already been made! Matching funds are great that every dollar you give is 2 dollars! Lets get 4 more! But no amount is too small! We are at $2000 already including the matching funds! Keep up the good work and thanks for everyone that donated!
It is times like this that I am proud to be associated with the bronco communtiy. Mikes attorney was amazed that we are able to do this for the girls! She was friends with both Elizabeth and Mike and is doing his case Pro Bono! Be assured that all funds collected are going to the girls fund and not to Mike's defense fund.
Thanks again! And let me know if anyone has trouble donating with paypal!


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2003
Make that 8 of the 10 !!!

Great news!
6 of the 10 matching $100 contributions have already been made! Matching funds are great that every dollar you give is 2 dollars! Lets get 4 more! But no amount is too small! We are at $2000 already including the matching funds! Keep up the good work and thanks for everyone that donated!
It is times like this that I am proud to be associated with the bronco communtiy. Mikes attorney was amazed that we are able to do this for the girls! She was friends with both Elizabeth and Mike and is doing his case Pro Bono! Be assured that all funds collected are going to the girls fund and not to Mike's defense fund.
Thanks again! And let me know if anyone has trouble donating with paypal!


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
In the last 24 hours MEB has received over $2000 in donations and matching funds for the Ingram twins trust fund from the Bronco community! :)

Once again, the support, compassion and willingness to help others in our community has been outstanding and is just one more reason I am very proud to be a part of this collective group of enthusiasts!

I'd like to thank all of you who have donated for this cause!

I would also like to specifically mention that Dan Wright (Tazz on CB) contacted me to with a generous contribution. In addition, Dan has pledged $500 in matching funds for the next $500 donated, regardless of the amount! Dan wanted to do this to encourage those who may not be able to donate $100 for the other matching funds that were available.

I think this is a great idea and once again, Dan has stepped up in a huge way to help out the Bronco community. Dan did tell me that he would just as soon remain anonymous, but I feel that someone who helps out our community like he has for this (and other things in the past) should be recognized! Thanks Dan!

We now have $500 more of matching funds, so if you would like to donate to help these young girls during their difficult and life-changing time, please send your donation and Dan will match it!

Donations can be sent via the following methods:

1. Paypal payment sent to MEB by sending to paypal@earlybroncos.com
2. Check payable to MEB to Randy Silbaugh at 1035 Willowbrook Rd. West Newton, PA 15089
3. Check payable to Morgan and Paxton Ingram Fund and mail to Randy at the address above.


Bronco Guru
Sep 9, 2001
sadness here for the children. deepest sympathy to all family and friends.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2006
I see you brotha!!! Many thanks for your extremely generous donation! :)

Thanks everyone that put up $$! We are very close to $3K so far and that doesn't include Dan Wrights $500 matching funds of any size donation! If we max that out it will put us at $4000! That would be outstanding! You guys are great!
I spoke with Mike on the phone (He is able to call out collect) Thursday and he really got chocked up when I told him how the bronco community was really stepping up for the girls. He said it was awesome and for me to tell everyone they are awesome and Thanks so much!


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
What a terribly heart wrenching story. My family's thoughts are with the girls.

Drew, see my PM about donations.


Sr. Member
Jul 6, 2006
Northwestern OK
My thoughts and prayers are with these girls and their loved ones. I couldn't even imagine going through something like this.