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Need info on replacing caps in A9L computer


Jr. Member
Jul 19, 2001
I was driving my bronco the other day and stopped for gas. Went to start it up and didn't hear my fuel pump start. Well after getting it home I put the code reader on it and it didn't trigger the fuel pump and it looked like it was trying to perform tests but it just hung and I get no codes at all. If I tap on the fuel pump relay while it is trying to start the tests the fuel pump will turn on but not shut off and the self test doesn't complete. So I pulled the computer and opened it up. One of the caps looks like it has been leaking as there is a bit of corrosion below the cap and another one is a bit discolored. I guess that it wouldn't hurt to replace all of them while I am at it. After all this, my question is I was able to get some caps at frys but not with the same exact specs and I was wondering if they will work. There are two types polarized and non-polarized. Is it okay either way or do I definitely need the polarized ones which are what it looks like is in there now. The second question, I got caps with a higher voltage rating. Is that okay? Instead of 47uF 16v I have 47mF 50v and instead of 10uF 63v I have 10Uf 100v. By the way it is a 302 with the Ford efi conversion. It has been running great with no indication that anything was going bad. Thanks for any input.


Jr. Member
Jul 19, 2001
Thanks for the link Tonka7777. That answered all the questions. Thanks EFI Guy for putting that video together. Very well done.


Sr. Member
Jul 19, 2010
Do a search for EFIguy, he has a video on how to replace the capacitors. I just sent him mine and he replaced them for a very reasonable fee and tested it to make sure it was in working order.