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new bronco owner questions


New Member
Apr 19, 2005
salt lake city,UT
Just purchased my first bronco. a 1970 with d44 front and 302 and automatic trans. I am hoping to turn it into a crawler. my goals are new front fenders, Lockers front and rear and suspension to fit 36" superswampers. I got to this site from a shop owner I met at the supercrawl. This site is awesome. I am really glad to have help with my questions. My first questions are.
has any one ever purchased from this guy? www.sextonoffroad.com
Does he do good work?
Are there any other shops in utah that know Broncos?

I met him at the supercrawl and He seemed to know what he was talking about but he is about an hour away. Not sure if i want to go with the out of state shops to order parts. His prices seem reasonable compared to them.
I have plenty more questions thanks in advance Nick ;D


Sr. Member
Dec 30, 2001
Bluefield, WV
Congrats on the purchase and welcome aboard. There are several UT guys on here, check around on the members list and see if anyone is near you. If you offer some free food you might be able to get a work party together.


Sr. Member
Feb 15, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
nastynick said:
any one ever purchased from this guy? www.sextonoffroad.com

First, welcome, you're right this is a great site. I don't have any first hand experience with the vendor you've listed. The prices seem reasonable but I wouldn't say they're all that different than BC, JBG, WH, Duff, etc.. Don't fear the "out of state" vendors they have long and positive track records.