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OBA Oil Filter - York is blowing oil


Bronco Guru
Feb 18, 2002
Indian Harbour Bch,
I went budget and did not hook up an oil filter when doing my OBA setup. The old York I have is blowing some oil thru the lines and making a mess.

Question: I saw some filters at home depot for arond $20 and $30. Can I use these? Or do I have to get the $80 one from Kilby? I saw the operating temps of the Home Depot Ones were around 150*. Should I worry about that with the filter being under the hood? Don't want this thing to blow up or anything...



Bronco Guru
Nov 1, 2001
I'm running a cheap seperator from Lowes and it is doing fine so far. I have it about 3 ft from the compressor to reduce the heat.


Sr. Member
Feb 7, 2002
Sandy, UT
FYI I had a freinds heep almost go up in smoke due to the 30 dollar husky oil filter it got to hot and burst while he was airing up the 3rd heeps set of tires :eek: not really sure how but it smoked most of the wiring and his was 3ft away also. I bought the one from kilby but mounted it about 7ft away and it still got pretty warm.