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Photos & Engine Running Results while Wheling at Funny Rocks

68 Broncoholic

Bronco Guru
May 16, 2005
Well all weekend the engine ran great and never got above 190* and the weather was 85* in the shade. Looks like the water corss over conversion worked pro on the back of the intake. ;D

Came close to rolling several time on the rocks but someone must be on my side...

As usual I only have video but I did get a few shots. Mostly still shots of the area that might bore you guys but here are a few anyway...

68 Broncoholic

68 Broncoholic

Bronco Guru
May 16, 2005
Yeah, it was lots of fun and not many rigs out there so we had all day on the rocks instead of all the tube frame buggies taking up all the room.
I'll see if I can get some video on my computer. Never have done it with this type of video camera (tape). I have another thats not working right now that has a small CD which records video and all you have to do is stick it in the CD drive. Maybe I'll get the instructions out... I just don't know where the cables are... Oops!


Sr. Member
Jan 26, 2003
Oakland, CA
Looks like fun, great shot of Ranier. Some of that terrain looks like that super soft volcanic loam (greenish grey soil). Do you get any traction in that stuff?
68 Broncoholic

68 Broncoholic

Bronco Guru
May 16, 2005
Yeah, thats the back side of Mt. Rainier. I live in the Seattle area and don't see this side often so I snapped a shot.
The traction is different depending where you go. Some is a lava rock with grains of sand all over it. So its really tough to get traction. Other areas with more hard sand stone is awesome traction, its like sandpaper so you get 100% traction. In fact you can go up steep hill climbs on your back tires with the front in the air and drive right up. An occational tap on the brakes while on the gas helps bring the front end down a bit. If you let off the gas brakes will not hold on that steep on grade and you come sailing down backwards steering around drop offs for your life! %)
Its all fun and games. ;D