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Pricing Parts

Brian B

Sr. Member
Feb 6, 2007
How can this be? You look up a part with one vendor and the cost is $20 at another $12 at another $30. Why is there such a gap with some of the pricing? Is it because of the volume they purchase, even worse quality of the part. I have a bunch of stuff to but over the next few months and just want to make sure I do the right thing. With me its not always cost but more quality. I just don't want to pay more if it is the same product. Thanks.


Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2005
Call them and ask. They may or may not know, but what's the worst they could say? More than likely, it's a combination of the things you listed. Other things you didn't include the vendor's proximity to their suppliers which definitely impacts the retail price unless they're drop shipping the items.

You might also keep in mind that more expensive does not necessarily mean a better part in and of itself. There's a lot of overpriced junk out there.

Odds are that several somebodies on CB.com have bought most, if not all, of the items you're looking at, so maybe a part comparison thread would be a good idea for the items you're considering where people can chime in with their thoughts on the various products. Just an idea.

Duke Nukem

Sr. Member
Dec 9, 2004
Simi Valley
In America you just need to price shop. It is not uncommon for prices to vary between eb vendors, sometimes by a wide margin. That's why I usually buy stuff from all of the different vendors depending on who has the best pricing or best stuff. Sometimes the difference can be attributed to a superior product. Other times it might just be a simple difference in how they decided to price the same thing. Usually I find big ticket items are somewhat in the same range, with price variability more pronounced with little things. But that is the beauty of the internet, you can price compare in a matter of minutes.


Sr. Member
Oct 16, 2004
Duke has it right. HUGE variation and depends on overhead, physical plant, employee costs, mark up, volume buying etc. Fender is priced anywhere from 150 to over 300 $, and all the same (they stste 3 mils over OEM). Othertimes you wil see a company state a suggested price and then their discounted price and you go WOW, I better order--but in reality it is still not a deal. Best thing is to list what you need, and the different vendors and start to list what they each charge. SOme are cheap on one thing high on others and vice versa. They will use a low price on a frequentluy used/bought item to get you thinking they are low priced on everything and they are not. Bottom line is it pays to research on the web the different vendors...and know that the prices are a lot closer then they were prior to web surfing!!