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Stupid Laws


Bronco Missionary
Sep 10, 2008
My views border on anarchy. If I'm not hurting anyone, leave me the HE double hockysticks alone. %)


Sr. Member
Nov 1, 2007
now our town passed a law that you can't text and drive .. Yes it dangerous but it's your fender.....

Yeah, but its also the guy in the other lanes fender. When I pass someone reading/ texting I lay on the horn.... I could use an insurance settlement for the Bronco.


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2008
Glen Allen, VA
Oh my beloved Virginia. Just a few. What a bunch of puritans.%)

Not only is it illegal to have sex with the lights on, one may not have sex in any position other than missionary.

There is a state law prohibiting “corrupt practices of bribery by any person other than politicians".

You may not engage in business on Sundays, with the exception of almost every industry.

Driving while not wearing shoes is prohibited.

Police radar detectors are illegal.

Children are not to go trick-or-treating on Halloween.

It is illegal to tickle women.

No animal may be hunted on Sunday with the exception of raccoons, which may be hunted until 2:00 AM.(Sorry Rocky :cry:you will be missed)


Bronco Guru
Apr 2, 2008
Olathe, Kansas
kansas has the seat belt law but only as a secondary. Meaning they cant pull you over for not wearing a seatbelt but they can give you a ticket for no seat belt if they stop you for something else. Statistics show most auto accident deaths happen on the highway ( speed kills not lack of seat belts ). A motorcycle accident will leave injuries no matter what but motorcycles are legal. Through my life I have been in at least 10 car accidents, some as a passenger, some as a driver and never once got a scratch. Why because they were all in town at speeds of 30mph or less.. With todays airbags and better stopping the need for a seat belt in town is even less. The seat belt does cause second hand death like some other things that are legal.
Also have you ever noticed that if someone dies in a auto accident with out a seat belt the news always says the person wasnt wearing a seat belt but if they did have a seat belt on a died the subject never comes up in the report. To each his own. If they really cared they would make everyone wear a helmet, fire suit and hans device and make motorcycles and smoking and eating bad food, and not exercising and drinking all against the law. lol.. you know I am kidding..


Bronco Guru
Jun 8, 2007
Newburgh, IN
Seat belts are probably a good thing, I slammed a telephone pole at 60 dead center of the rear bumper after avoiding an idiot who pulled out in front of me. No seatbelt, not that it would have helped either. I broke the seat and flew into the back. Helmets, SUCK! can't see or hear as well. Plus the weight of a helmet alone can snapped your neck. Then there are helmets for slow crashes and ones for high speed crashes, so which one do you wear. I rolled down the highway at 65 MPH after a lady took my front tire out switching lanes and never hit my head. Boots and long pants are a must! Road rash is like running through a fire. Then if you don't protect your self and you get hurt, should we be required to take care of you? I think cell phones should be outlawed on the road. I think frequent driving tests too. Many people don't respect laws that save others. I know cops that will not wear seat belts, now what is fair?


Mar 8, 2007
A motorcycle accident will leave injuries no matter what but motorcycles are legal.

Makes me kinda glad that you have to wear a helmet in MO on motorcycles..! Don't see why someone would take that chance.. But it's all a matter of opinion.


Bronco Guru
Feb 8, 2005
This subject of stupid laws has come up before especially the seat belt laws. I agree with everyone else on this subject. But my take on it is this,it is "MY" tax dollars that pay for the streets,roads,and highways that "I" drive on. It is "MY" tax dollars that pay the salaries and wages of the politicians who bring forth and enact said laws. It is "MY" tax dollars that also pay the salaries and wages of the judges and police officers that enforce said laws. I operate "MY" insured vehicles that "I" paid for with money that "I" worked for and earned on these same streets,roads,and highways. So someone who works for "ME" is going to tell me "I" have to wear a seatbelt ,when "I'm" driving "MY" vehicle on streets,roads,or highways that "I" own. Welcome to America.Term limits for any and I mean any elected office would stop most of the nonsensical and bullcrap laws that are enacted across this land.


Bronco Guru
Jun 5, 2008
"Not only is it illegal to have sex with the lights on, one may not have sex in any position other than missionary"

You have got to be kidding me!


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Colorado Springs
You know, its a good thing for Skiddy that he don't live in TN....It's against the law to lasso fish there. What with his deer roping escapade and all.


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
You know, its a good thing for Skiddy that he don't live in TN....It's against the law to lasso fish there. What with his deer roping escapade and all.

lmao i guess so, i do think that would be a challange though;D


Jr. Member
Sep 22, 2009
the only problem I have with laws that are meant to "save" you, is that if you choose to ignore those laws and have an accident, and you dont have insurance (or enough insurance) to cover your injuries, WE the people wind up paying for your arrogance.
yes, the same could be said for those that do follow the law (seatbelts, helmets, etc), but statistics say injuries and deaths are reduced by safety devices, hence the enactments of the laws.

before someone chimes in and says "no you dont", yes we do. if you think otherwise, you are kidding yourself or simply uninformed. we pay for it in the form of higher insurance premiums, higher billings from hospitals and doctors, etc etc. if you dont pay your hospital bill, does it just evaporate? no, it does not. the money is derived from somewhere.
contrary to what a lot of people think (including our current government) money does NOT grow on trees and eventually has to come from somewhere. and that "somewhere" usually winds up square in the laps of those that do pay for it already.

/rant off


Sr. Member
Jan 14, 2010
the only problem I have with laws that are meant to "save" you, is that if you choose to ignore those laws and have an accident, and you dont have insurance (or enough insurance) to cover your injuries, WE the people wind up paying for your arrogance.
yes, the same could be said for those that do follow the law (seatbelts, helmets, etc), but statistics say injuries and deaths are reduced by safety devices, hence the enactments of the laws.

before someone chimes in and says "no you dont", yes we do. if you think otherwise, you are kidding yourself or simply uninformed. we pay for it in the form of higher insurance premiums, higher billings from hospitals and doctors, etc etc. if you dont pay your hospital bill, does it just evaporate? no, it does not. the money is derived from somewhere.
contrary to what a lot of people think (including our current government) money does NOT grow on trees and eventually has to come from somewhere. and that "somewhere" usually winds up square in the laps of those that do pay for it already.

/rant off

So the logic is that decisions or practices that can be statistically shown to increase personal risk should be statutorily prohibited? The justification is that failure to do so results in a monetary cost to other citizens? Exactly where do we draw the line? Who gets to decide? By what inherent authority does anyone get to decide?

This is a very slippery slope that we have sadly chosen to go down as a nation.

I personally have never granted anyone authority over me or my life. If I am to believe in the principal of inalienable rights, then I must reject any other persons claim to them regardless of their rationale or how eloquently they present their argument.

Ok, enough seriousness. Back to working on my Bronco:)


Bronco Guru
Apr 8, 2008
Sounds like HOA to me too!!!

nope strait from palm bay fl ...


For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.

RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Any area within the city zoned as GU, RR, RE, RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RM-10, RM-15, RM-20, RMH, RVP, or PUD (residential area).

COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Any area zoned commercial (OP, NC, CC, HC) or industrial (LI, HI) in accordance with the zoning regulations of the city.

VEHICLE. Any device in, upon or by which any person is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway or street. The term VEHICLE shall include both motor vehicles and trailers as defined in Fla. Stat. § 316.003, but shall expressly exclude bicycles and mopeds.


(1) Any vehicle painting accomplished by spraying, whether by aerosol application or by mechanical or electrical spray application.

(2) Any sheet metal work or other repair work to body of a vehicle.

(3) Any mechanical repair to a vehicle of any nature which disables a vehicle or prevents its normal use or operation for a continuous period of twenty-four (24) hours or more, or which involves the removal of the engine and/or transmission from a vehicle.

('74 Code, § 14-89) (Ord. 84-72, passed 12-6-84)

(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to accomplish or perform or permit to be accomplished or performed any major repair of a vehicle in any residential district unless such major repair is done within an enclosed building or structure and then only on the occupant's personal vehicle.

(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to accomplish or perform or permit to be accomplished or performed any major repair of a vehicle in any commercial or industrial district, except as may be permitted within the appropriate zoning district.

('74 Code, § 14-90) (Ord. 84-72, passed 12-6-84) Penalty, see § 73.99



Bronco Guru
Jun 5, 2008
"(3) Any mechanical repair to a vehicle of any nature which disables a vehicle or prevents its normal use or operation for a continuous period of twenty-four (24) hours or more, or which involves the removal of the engine and/or transmission from a vehicle."

Just make sure you get all your work done in 24 hrs lol!

I had my motor out of my truck in my driveway at my condo (Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles). The neighbors all think I am a redneck because I work on cars. This is normal up in Northern (Normal) California. They even had the EPA come test the dirt by my garage lol! I thought twice about painting my Fairlane in the garage after that and had it done at a body shop.