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Transfer case issues


Full Member
Dec 23, 2004
Eastern Washington
Well here's the deal, I put some T-case gears in my J-case to get the lower ratio, and I also twin-sticked it. I know only do one mod at a time, but it was a timing thing. Anyway, it works great, shifts easy, except on hill climbs when I'm running four low, the rear wants to pop out, I can feel the shifter wanting to keep pushing back. I checked for tunnel clearance, no problems there, I don't think it's the shift ball or spring because It feels real positive when you put it in and out of low range. I'm wondering if it's the gears? Maybe they are worn, or just don't work in a J-shift case? Any input would be helpfull thanks.


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
My T-shift case does the same thing. Still havent found a good cure. the keep it on the trail patch involves a bungee cord hooked under the dash to hold the rear axle shifter in the forward(low) range. It has been like that since the old days. Never like to stay in 2Lo.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Broncobowsher said:
My T-shift case does the same thing. Still havent found a good cure. the keep it on the trail patch involves a bungee cord hooked under the dash to hold the rear axle shifter in the forward(low) range. It has been like that since the old days. Never like to stay in 2Lo.

I've had that issue with several of mine too..I don't even think twice about it now - they all have the bungee cord installed as a 'standard' requirement. I never tracked down the actual problem or cause..the bungee solution eliminates it, so more pressing issues get attended to instead. Would like to hear if someone has a good technical explanation and more elegant fix...

Interestingly, perhaps, I have never had that problem with NP205 T-cases.