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You know you drive an Early Bronco when?


Full Member
Jun 24, 2010
i got a few more for you
1 you carry spare parts like a extra fuel pump, carb,brake hoses,belts,bolts,zip ties,battery,and 550 cord and 2 full jerry cans
2 you check to see who is home and has a trailer and that helps make your decision on what direction your going to do your test drive.
3 you can in the dark remove the hood prop and hit the hole in the dark LOL
4 you adjust tire pressure to compensate for brake pull
5 you install a radio with just enough power to drown out the tail gate rattle
6 you wife cleans out you pocket and has a box next to the washing machine that is marked bronco stuff i found in your pockets
7 you can estimate how far you can drive on 14 gallons of gas (i am about to fix this one)
8 you go to the part store and the guy thinks you own a chevy a bronco and a 76 tbird and he finally gives up and lets you behind the counter and says go a head and see if you can find something that might work
9 you find yourself cruising the back roads on the way home looking for that parts bronco or something that might have that part your missing or you broke last week
10 you go on craigslist and type just one letter and it pops up BRONCO

Tasty Geezer

Sr. Member
Mar 11, 2008
i got a few more for you
1 you carry spare parts like a extra fuel pump, carb,brake hoses,belts,bolts,zip ties,battery,and 550 cord and 2 full jerry cans
2 you check to see who is home and has a trailer and that helps make your decision on what direction your going to do your test drive.
3 you can in the dark remove the hood prop and hit the hole in the dark LOL
4 you adjust tire pressure to compensate for brake pull
5 you install a radio with just enough power to drown out the tail gate rattle
6 you wife cleans out you pocket and has a box next to the washing machine that is marked bronco stuff i found in your pockets
7 you can estimate how far you can drive on 14 gallons of gas (i am about to fix this one)
8 you go to the part store and the guy thinks you own a chevy a bronco and a 76 tbird and he finally gives up and lets you behind the counter and says go a head and see if you can find something that might work
9 you find yourself cruising the back roads on the way home looking for that parts bronco or something that might have that part your missing or you broke last week
10 you go on craigslist and type just one letter and it pops up BRONCO

#10 is so true...I know all the broncos for sale on craigslist within a 500 mile radius...


Full Member
Dec 7, 2006
I've enjoyed this post,,, here are a few more,,,

1) Your neighbor asks you" when are you going to fix the mufflers on that thing?"

2) During the winter (snow and icy conditions) when you park your bronco at night you have plastic or a hefty bag split open to shut in the door to cover the door locks and door seam to keep from freezing the lock up.

2b) (ie: door locks above) you park near a electrical outlet (when you don't have the plastic) so you can use a hair dryer to thaw the lock out or you become a acrobat and get good at crawling in the back window when the doors are frozen shut.

3) You manual shifters become proficient at "coasting" either when the engine misses signaling your out of gas,, or when you see cops enforcing the noise ordinance, or sneaking into the yard at 3am and finally when you see a prius or some other electric car and they're impressed the "quiet" operation of your vehicle.

4) Every trip no matter how mundane (going to get bread, picking up the kids, or driving to the beach), is a freakn adventure and and whether good or bad adventure is what makes us "alive".

drive on bronco Sisters and Brothers,,,,,

L&D's Broncos

Full Member
Nov 11, 2006
IT's COLD!!!

You know you drive an early bronco when:
1) You are trying to plow snow on a 19% grade it's sticking like glue,
2) It's 12 degrees outside and it feels warmer OUTSIDE,
3) And you're thinking of lighting that pile of rags in the rear floor to see if it will help warm the INTERIOR......


Bronco Guru
Sep 5, 2003
Madison Mississippi
8 you go to the part store and the guy thinks you own a chevy a bronco and a 76 tbird and he finally gives up and lets you behind the counter and says go a head and see if you can find something that might work

This one happens to me alot.. They just ask all confused .. What is this going on?? I always smile;D


Bronco Guru
Jun 2, 2010
After I get so bummed out when I'm taking my wife out for dinner and I say "lets take the Bronco" and she give's me an exasperated "Really...can we please just take my car (a Honda Element)? Sigh.

L&D's Broncos

Full Member
Nov 11, 2006
You know you drive an early bronco when:

After connecting the seatbelt on your 6 year old daughter she covers her ears with her hands and looks at you grinning BEFORE you turn the key.......................It happened today! ;)


Full Member
Jun 24, 2010
when your mother calls and asks son what place do you want a gift card for bronco parts lol i told her cash works better at the wrecking yards


Bronco Wrencher and Fixer
Jan 6, 2004
Redcliff Alberta
most laughs I have had in years
All of them are true though- - - especially the parts guys
Need rear pads for my lincoln discs
young one behind counter "what year make and model""
I just tell them now, saves a long lecture.


Full Member
Jan 17, 2010
.when every Spring and Fall, you keep on top of the weather forecasts so you will know when to swap out the hardtop and full size doors for the bikini top , and vice-versa.