• Be EXTREMELY cautious if someone offers to buy your Bronco for more than your asking price and sight unseen. ESPECIALLY if the buyer is overseas. It's probably a scam.

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CA Precious Metals in San Diego?

Precious Metals

New Member
Nov 21, 2016
Well then Maybe you guys should pay attention instead of just trying to get your Rocks off by Criticzing things. The Power Steering is there and if you really know something about Cars,Trucks or Broncos its Obvious, and the 6k Bumpers First were pointed out by the other member that said "on the Green One says = $3,000", Guess Noone wanted to read that.... In my defnese I tried to Correct your Confusions and people still dont get it??? SO....Not my probelm anymore. Have a nice Day!! When you all Finally get with the Program they are Nice Bumpers, btw...and Power Steering works fine,


Squirrel Watcher
Sep 15, 2016
Well then Maybe you guys should pay attention...the 6k Bumpers First were pointed out by the other member that said "on the Green One says = $3,000", Guess Noone wanted to read that.... In my defnese I tried to Correct your Confusions and people still dont get it???

Thanks for clearing that up!

I am curious how do you Decide Which words get caPitalized?

And it's not that unusual for a used car salesman to have 40 cars on the lot, but good for you.


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2003
Bandwagon jumper Comes on a Bronco forum telling everyone they don't know shit about Broncos.


Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
The unprofessional attitude tells you all you need to know about whether or not you should do business with them.


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2009
Precious, bunch of great folks on here that might not know shi* from shinola' regarding many things. However, when talking' Broncos, believe me, 99% of these folks on here would bleed nothin' but Bronco knowledge if they got a cut. I happen to not be one of them so smart all things Broncos, but thats why I'm on here.

Maybe consider trying to "reintroduce" yourself here, your call, just a friendly suggestion.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Another vote for the world's best Bronco Builder%)

He's not even a builder, he's just a flipper who pays $20-40K and sells for $40-60K+. Lesson to be learned there is to bypass the low paying middle man and find the buyer who will pay you more if you decide to sell.

The Broncos he buys are often listed in one of the Facebook groups the same day the arrive on the trailer. On one group he goes on and on as if it's the one he's been after all his life and will never part with. Then you scroll down a few posts and see it listed for sale in another group. LOL

Just how much inspection and sorting can be done in just a few hours?

These are coming from unknown builders from all over the country, so I gurantee you there are some surprises and issues to be found with build quality and just little quirks that take time to get sorted out. I highly doubt he really knows the history or details of what he's even selling.

I know that just 3 of us in this thread have about 100 combined years of experience with these, and this Johnny come lately is going to show up and talk smack like that? LOL

Builders create and add value and most of the known regulars do an overall good to excellent job. Those who haven't also get their feet held to the fire.

Now that Broncos are a hot commodity, the Bronco world has changed quite a bit in the last 2-3 years. Expect to see more ass hats turn up. I had this guy pegged months ago when he first surfaced and commented to a group of others who were working to root out another guy who popped up as a self proclaimed Bronco expert and was doing some shady stuff and that warranted running him out of the community.

Guys like this make me miss the days of $3-10K Broncos and just going out to wheel or show them off without a care about what they were worth.
Last edited:


Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2017
Orlando, FL
The unprofessional attitude tells you all you need to know about whether or not you should do business with them.

This is my thought exactly. Honestly, the guys on here might be overly critical at times but are normally respectful. However, his attitude just showed me that I should never do business with with that shop.

I'll also be telling my friends that are considering a Bronco purchase.


Jr. Member
Jun 18, 2012
Palm Coast
Like what Miker said, you may want to reintroduce yourself to the website Precious Metals....I have learned more on this site than any other place w/ me being a newbie it has been very resourceful...not a good marketing campaign in my opinion


Jr. Member
May 27, 2010
Maybe you just don’t know what a Power Steering Pump looks like??? it’s in there. Since you obviously dont know what they are referring too... it’s the Green one, Not the Blue one. Have Nice day.
Boy your about a prick aren't you and a stupid one to boot,why would you come in here and put down good people and possibly a future buyer but i doubt that after word gets around here.For one thing,there is not a set of bumpers on this earth that's worth 6000.00 especially these ones on the green bronco,if he is getting that kind of money for these then obviously he's selling to morons that don't know or care about what they're getting for their money take the back one, for 6000.00 i would expect to have the receiver molded into the bumper not attached to the bumper,JUNK! Hell, other manufacturers can do it and where are the D-rings on either bumper,nowhere to be found but i know i can find them on a Hanson bumper for a lot less money.I've seen better looking bumpers being built by people on this site and same thing goes with the green bronco,there's nothing special about it surely not worth the money you got for it it just shows the people who are buying your overpriced crap don't know what they're buying.

Precious Metals

New Member
Nov 21, 2016
I dont build the Bumpers man, the guy who did charges 6k for them, and must get them Ive had 2 people call up and say he was doing them a set and it was 6k so I dont know, I wouldnt pay it, Not putting down anybody Go back and read the postings. Attacks to me for doing nothing gotta Defend its America. Just putting it out there as my opinion like they did, Guess its like Politics. Curious why people want to lie, and put me down in a lie thats all.


Squirrel Watcher
Sep 15, 2016
Not putting down anybody Go back and read the postings.

I took your advice...

Come on Its No off the Shelf Toms Bronco Crap... .

...and you 'put down' one of the biggest Bronco vendors around.

I don't want you to remove yourself, I want you to stick around, I only ask that you change your handle from Precious Metals to RattleCanMan

Precious Metals

New Member
Nov 21, 2016
your right there! and Sorry Tom Im not reffering to the other items i use them and most all is good, but we all know those chrome little bumpers are you get what you pay for type stuff.


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
dude, we were talking about the blue one. you know the one that the OP was talking about. if you want to talk about the green one start your own thread.
I don't give a crap on how much you are asking for it. but get your facts right and stop misleading people. here is YOUR ad
1972 Ford Bronco 4900 HD is the Big Boy, this vehicle has undergone a full restoration, repainted inside and out Finished in a Beautiful Blue with Light Metallic and fitted with Correct White Vinyl Bronco Seats, Floor is rhino lined and nicely done. The vehicle is not heavily lifted it sits on 33 inch tires and up about 2 inches, Dual Shocks and Hoop bars upfront for a safer and smoother ride and at this height it feels very comfortable on the road. Equipped with A solid Running 302 V8 with 3 Speed on the tree that has been rebuilt and purrs strong watch the video! We have replaced a few of the drive components U-joints , Drag Links, Wheel Seals, Brakes, Power Steering Work, Rebuilt Steering Column and Adjusted etc simply corrected just a few things after we got it, It came from a Nice Husband and Wife who used it as their Beach Home Cruiser, local Car Shows and Cruise nights. Watch the Drive Videos etc on youtube. Paint is Pretty and the Truck is well dialed in for immediate use. Call David at 1-619-451-2130 or 1-619-515-2220 email us at sales@pmautos.com or visit the website at www.PMautos.com for additional Photos-Info of Cars and More Broncos.