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I got the bolt bracket made for the pass. seat & in & decided to throw the floor pan in to see how things looked. I marked the ends of the floor supports so I would know where to screw down & noticed the pan sits forward too far by about a 1/2 inch. I cant take it back any further & didn't want to cut the pan at the back beacause I need the lip to screw through. There was some bad metal behind the lip & I have enough good metal to screw to for welding. In the pics below I marked the pan where the edge of the support is & it runs just in front of the ribbing in the pan instead of in the flat area like all the other pics I've seen of this repair. I guess my question is is it OK the put it in this way or am I doing something wrong? How would I get the pan back further without cutting out the metal behind the rear lip of the pan? Maybe the pictures will help explain. I've got more trimming to do to the pan but wanted to wait until I figured this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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