Jr. Member
Well, if you've been following my build in the chat side, you'll know I've got a 1971 EB that i'm doing a 1 ton conversion on, and recently pulled the drivetrain to replace gaskets and install a NP435. Last night I started pulling the water pump, and proceeded to break off 4 bolts in the water pump. i then noticed the timing cover was cracked. I may or may not have gotten mad and started beating the motor up with a sledgehammer. Needless to say the water pump is now off, and it appears that it was the original water pump from 1971, and there is a ton of corrosion damage to the timing cover. I'm at the very least going to have to replace the timing cover and somehow get the broken studs out of the block, and at which point I almost might as well rebuild the whole motor. If the water pump was never replaced, its a safe bet that pretty much everything else is original too, right? I never did a compression check (which I should have). What do you guys think? Should I just get this motor rebuilt by somebody, or go on summitracing or similiar and buy a turnkey motor for a couple of grand? Either way I go, I'll be slapping a 400hp FiTech on it.