How to resize your photos
Usually digital cameras or scanners produce photos that are much too large to show on the web. That's because a digital camera gives you a very large resolution, which is needed to print out photos on paper. However, your computer screen has a much lower resolution than your printer, so digital camera photos are usually 6-10 times larger than they should be for your computer screen.
Windows XP Users
If you use Windows XP there's a very nice add on that lets you resize photos with just a right click. It's part of the Windows Power Toys. Here's more info:
Windows Vista Users
Unfortunately the Power Toy above doesn't work with Vista; only XP. But there is another free program that works well in Vista:
Paint Shop Pro (free trial version available)
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type Ctrl+O
2. Image --> Resize ...or type Shift+S
3. Use the "Pixel size" option at the top. I suggest a width of 650 pixels for the web. (The height should automatically change so don't worry about that number)
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas ...or hit the F12 key
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Save as type: Select JPEG
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
Adobe Photoshop
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type Ctrl+O
2. Image --> Image SizeResize
3. Set "Pixel Dimensions" width (the height will adjust automatically) I suggest a width of 650 pixels for the web. Then go down to "Document Size" and set the Resolution to 72. Don't pay attention to width and height.
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas ...or type Shift+Ctrl+S
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Format: Select JPEG/JPG
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
MicroSoft Paint (Usually found in Start > Programs > Accessories )
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type Ctrl+O
2. Image --> Stretch/Skew
3. Under Stretch change "Horizontal" and "Vertical" percentages to something smaller. Always keep both values the same (ie. 25% and 25% ) You'll have to experiment depending on the size of your original image.
4. Double check your size under Image --> Attributes ...or type Ctrl+E Both width and height must be under 700 to be able to upload to the forums.
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Format: Select JPEG/JPG
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
IrfanView (Free program found here:
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type O
2. Image --> Resize/Resample ...or type Ctrl+R
3. Under Set New Size change "Width" to 700 or less. The Height will automatically adjust. Be sure both are less than 700. Then click "OK"
4. Double check your size under Image --> Attributes ...or type Ctrl+E Both width and height must be under 700 to be able to upload to the forums.
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas ...or type S
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Save as type: Select JPG - JPEG Files. If a box pops up you can typically leave the settings as is. 85 for quality is fine.
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
I suggest saving your newly resized photo as a new name. (maybe add "small" to the name?) That way you can keep the full size one which is better for printing out.
Usually digital cameras or scanners produce photos that are much too large to show on the web. That's because a digital camera gives you a very large resolution, which is needed to print out photos on paper. However, your computer screen has a much lower resolution than your printer, so digital camera photos are usually 6-10 times larger than they should be for your computer screen.
Windows XP Users
If you use Windows XP there's a very nice add on that lets you resize photos with just a right click. It's part of the Windows Power Toys. Here's more info:
Windows Vista Users
Unfortunately the Power Toy above doesn't work with Vista; only XP. But there is another free program that works well in Vista:
Paint Shop Pro (free trial version available)
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type Ctrl+O
2. Image --> Resize ...or type Shift+S
3. Use the "Pixel size" option at the top. I suggest a width of 650 pixels for the web. (The height should automatically change so don't worry about that number)
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas ...or hit the F12 key
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Save as type: Select JPEG
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
Adobe Photoshop
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type Ctrl+O
2. Image --> Image SizeResize
3. Set "Pixel Dimensions" width (the height will adjust automatically) I suggest a width of 650 pixels for the web. Then go down to "Document Size" and set the Resolution to 72. Don't pay attention to width and height.
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas ...or type Shift+Ctrl+S
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Format: Select JPEG/JPG
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
MicroSoft Paint (Usually found in Start > Programs > Accessories )
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type Ctrl+O
2. Image --> Stretch/Skew
3. Under Stretch change "Horizontal" and "Vertical" percentages to something smaller. Always keep both values the same (ie. 25% and 25% ) You'll have to experiment depending on the size of your original image.
4. Double check your size under Image --> Attributes ...or type Ctrl+E Both width and height must be under 700 to be able to upload to the forums.
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Format: Select JPEG/JPG
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
IrfanView (Free program found here:
Open your photo and resize
1. File --> Open ...or type O
2. Image --> Resize/Resample ...or type Ctrl+R
3. Under Set New Size change "Width" to 700 or less. The Height will automatically adjust. Be sure both are less than 700. Then click "OK"
4. Double check your size under Image --> Attributes ...or type Ctrl+E Both width and height must be under 700 to be able to upload to the forums.
Now save the file
1. File --> Saveas ...or type S
2. Pay attention to the "Save in:" window at the top so you know where the photo is being saved to on your computer.
3. File name: Type in a file name (see suggestion below)
4. Save as type: Select JPG - JPEG Files. If a box pops up you can typically leave the settings as is. 85 for quality is fine.
5. Click "Save" and you're done!
I suggest saving your newly resized photo as a new name. (maybe add "small" to the name?) That way you can keep the full size one which is better for printing out.
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