The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique number assigned to each vehicle. It's what Motor Vehicle Departments use to license and track vehicles. When you go for emissions, transfer title or move to a new state the inspector will probably look for your VIN. Since they may or may not know Broncos very well it's smart for you to know the various locations so you can point them in the right direction.
Location #1 - Your glove box door. It will be stamped (along with other info) on a metal tag that's riveted to the inside face of your glove box door. Since it's very easy to remove the door, this is often lost or even swapped with another truck. A smart inspector will look for the more permanent locations.
Location #2 - On later models the VIN is on a laminated paper tag adhered to the driver's side door post. (not the door itself, but the jamb)
Location #3 - Stamped into the top of the frame, on the passenger's side, right below the firewall. You can see it from the engine bay, but it can be hard. You'll probably need to wire brush off years of grime and/or rust to see it. Rubbing some chalk on the area helps too.
Location #4 - On early years (66-67) the VIN is on the driver's side kick panel.
Location #2 - On later models the VIN is on a laminated paper tag adhered to the driver's side door post. (not the door itself, but the jamb)
Location #3 - Stamped into the top of the frame, on the passenger's side, right below the firewall. You can see it from the engine bay, but it can be hard. You'll probably need to wire brush off years of grime and/or rust to see it. Rubbing some chalk on the area helps too.
Location #4 - On early years (66-67) the VIN is on the driver's side kick panel.
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