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Recent content by Synister3

  1. Synister3

    Tail light housing clips

    Thank you for the advice and help. I don’t remember the housing color but they are pretty old. Thanks again and have a good evening.
  2. Synister3

    Tail light housing clips

    Ok, I have seen a picture of the pad over the hole. That’s what I was referring to. My question now is do I need something there, whether it’s the pad or some other material placed there? If I do need that pad or clip where can I find them?
  3. Synister3

    Tail light housing clips

    I am looking for a little help finding the clips that go on the tub where the tail light housing would screw into. Not the lens but the housing itself where the bulbs are attached. Thanks
  4. Synister3

    Early Roadster door inserts

    Guy was replacing them with doors and no longer wanted them
  5. Synister3

    Early Roadster door inserts

    Looks like I found a set. Thanks again for the info
  6. Synister3

    Early Roadster door inserts

    What is the difference between original roadster door inserts and current re-pops. How can you tell if you have an early set? Any specific markings on them to look for?
  7. Synister3

    CA Stock radiators

    Have a couple stock radiators if anyone needs. Don’t need help with scrapping just offering if someone wants original
  8. Synister3

    78 Dana 44 Disc brakes

    Thanks again DirtDonk, Yeller, and Doran4X for taking the time to answer my question. I registered years ago but recently started to use the site more. I know my question has probably been answered before but I haven’t quite learned all the search options on here. Thanks again
  9. Synister3

    78 Dana 44 Disc brakes

    Ok good to know
  10. Synister3

    78 Dana 44 Disc brakes

    So the drum spindles only work with the Chevy disc kit? I need ford disc brake spindles.
  11. Synister3

    78 Dana 44 Disc brakes

    Ok great, thank you for the help. I appreciate it.
  12. Synister3

    78 Dana 44 Disc brakes

    Picked up a HP 44, spindles out parts are pretty worn, rusty. Are the earlier Bronco parts interchangeable from knuckles out? Or should I stick to replacing 78/79 disc brake parts. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  13. Synister3

    CA Stock suspension

    Have a couple sets of stock coils and springs, great for rollers or for someone wanting original stock equipment.
  14. Synister3

    SOLD Ford HP 44.

    looking for a HP Dana 44 for a wide axle conversion. Had a 78/79 Bronco one sitting in the yard and didn’t need it until I sold it.