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Search results

  1. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Old 32 survivor truck hot rod'

    that's just Major COOL..
  2. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Old hot rod 32 cabriolet'

    I always wanted one of those .. Sweet HEMI DOES IT HAVE
  3. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Retirement Project'

    It's started
  4. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Bronkowski'

    good job , Your one of the few that can work on them for 6 year & Get it done NICE Work.
  5. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'JCW Uncut 75'

    Is that the original paint .Nice Bronco only 65 k. SWEET.
  6. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Its been awhile but some progress'

    I BELIEVE YOU GETTING THERE.. iT'S FUN once you can begin to drive it some.
  7. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '1976 Ford Bronco'

    Is the motor just setting in place & the Frame will be painted at a later date. Not sure on the Galvanized looking frame .What am I missing. But looks to be a good head start..
  8. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Just a hunting Vech / now a beach Vech'

    nice looking & Still a lot original
  9. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '1969 Ford Bronco'

    Very Nice I love those 2 colors together. & I feel those wheels look the best on our little Broncos.
  10. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'The Great Pumpkin'

    Nice looking Bronco.. & Sporting Chrome Vent Window covers ..
  11. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Boy I’m Ole'

    THANKS . & I've been in a lot of others nice shops.. i REMEMBER WHEN I 1st found my 1st AIR CONDITIONED SHOP. SINCE FOUND 2 MORE.
  12. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '1974 Bronco'

    Wow my initials are also JLP.. & I TOO HAVE A an old Bronco 1980 It's name is ''BB'' SHORT for Bronco Billy.. It got it's name back when my hunting Buddy 1st went to New Mexico ..Capitan Mountains about 1996+r-... But we ran that old Bronco up & down a lot of mountains ... & My Buddy got to...
  13. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Boy I’m Ole'

    SO Have you had that Bronco for a long time.. Or what makes you old. Where do you live .. & ThAT LOOKS LIKE A HUGE SHOP.. Make the rest of us envious ..
  14. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '68'

  15. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Faded Jaded (1975)'

    I love that Name, Faded Jaded, & that GREEN PATINA does look nice.
  16. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '1967 Bronco proyect in Ecuador'

    MAN I'LL BET YOU Get lots of High Fives with that ride in ECUADOR .. & SORRY TO SAY I'll bet it could have a large Mark on it to be ABSCONDED with at any turn. ... do you have to order all your parts from our vendors here in the USA & Have them shipped to you.
  17. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '1968 mustang'

    Everyone need AT least one Mustang in their life.. I've had lots of really neat cars. But I never got the Mustang.. I did go to the Ford house trying to make a deal on a 1965..289cid / 271Hp & 4 speed with the gauge package. The price of the Mustang wasn't too bad $2350.00 But they not give...
  18. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item 'Walt's '66'

    That a heck of a story ABOUT DRIVING IT HOME... wow . wHAT'S THE DEAL ON THE DOORS BEING silver instead of same color as the rest of the body. Nice Shop..
  19. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '1966 U14 Bronco'

    Get started on it fast..So It can roll again.
  20. Pa PITT

    Comment by 'Pa PITT' in item '2022 Bronco (Sold)'

    Are you liking you new gen 6 Bronco .. I have a friend ..He is getting old & Sicker .. He wants so bad to sell his 66 with a ton of modifications on it., & Buy a new Bronco.. His will be mostly be a Town car from now on out.. I'm telling him sell & enjoy the new one.. He's not totally sure.