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Search results

  1. TOFIC

    AZ Various hydroboost rebuild parts

    hello todd tofic here, how do you want your 5 dollars all in quarters?? ill take let me know Don
  2. TOFIC

    Pushrod for hydroboost conversion

    Any idea if I can get one at a parts store? It looks like they come with MC's but I would rather not pay $50. any ford pickup of equal vintage should work. made mine out of a Ford station wagons ( it had Hboost) Tofic
  3. TOFIC

    Hydroboost and 4x4x2 Install issue.

    you may want to check the Hboost unit. you MAY have a stuck spool valve. if so, disassemble clean and reassemble usually fixes it. dirt influid sticks these valves
  4. TOFIC

    Power brake booster kits on ebay?

    200 dollars?? for vacuum brakes?? no way!! Hydro boost and out of the u jerk yard. brace plate on firewall install hboost out about 40 bucks. get the 3+3 hboost TOFIC
  5. TOFIC

    Cannibalization Help

    grab it! motor and tranny make it worth it get the rear disc brakes also, i hear they fit on a bronco check out the seats, will they fit?? hydroboost on it?? grab that TOFIC
  6. TOFIC

    Alternator wiring

    Can anyone direct me to a source for a clear diagram in these ? Thanks, John Boyte John, why bother? here's how i handled the same problem on my 72 go down to the Ujerk yard or the parts store and get a one wire GM alternator one wire is a misnomer, there are two. one is the big lug...
  7. TOFIC

    Astroboost dragging

    ditto, you activation rod is too long or your brake pedal needs adjusting TOFIC
  8. TOFIC

    full size 9in disc brake doners?

    interesting thread. read article of mine on disc brakes for rear of Broncos in summation large bearing rears use the Lincoln setup with jeep rotors (cj5 I believe) small bearing rears use the T bird discs, they have rotors that bolt on but the Lincoln setup has discs with it and they work BUT...
  9. TOFIC

    Hood shocks questions... If you've got them please chime in, thanks!

    Got mine from a late model Nissan mini van rear hatch shocks. mounts on the rear of the fender and on front of the hood. got the hardware off the van. believe I paid 15 bucks for them both from the Ujerk yard. bolted right on and have had no issues with them for several years (5 I believe)...
  10. TOFIC

    Brake Pedal

    I used the pedal out of a 74 mercury marquis for mine. have a few pictures at home if your interested. fit right in when I did the HB boost shift to clear my 351. let me know if you want a few pictures TOFIC
  11. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    back to top.still looking
  12. TOFIC

    Hydroboost mount with 351

    mine clears just fine without a body lift. 351 with a 2 barrel got lots of clearance, at least 2 inches maybe more want pictures?? TOFIC
  13. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    still looking project is slowing down because of this
  14. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    still looking guys anyone got any??? many thanks to the 2 guys that have replied
  15. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    hi George have not forgot you!!!! will be in Havre on wed. may be in Great Falls later in the week should i give you a call from Great FallS? TOFIC
  16. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    story of this whole project. will keep looking though Found one out of MI, still after the others
  17. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    still looking for these wheels guys how about some help here
  18. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    kudus to Mark for all his help!!!! Now fellas anyone else want some of TOFIC's money??? he who has a wheel(s) will get some!! TOFIC
  19. TOFIC

    Name this power steering box.

    i agree with Tod its a yota box 80's hardbody i would surmise. got the old article in this in my 3 ring binder (oh my god!!! a paper reference manual in the digital world) TOFIC
  20. TOFIC

    CAN 16" steel rims wanted

    Well thanks to the 2 guys that replied Mark thanks for all your help really appreciate all the help George, I will try to collect some money and maybe we can deal How about it guys?? still need anyone else got some TOFIC