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Search results

  1. mkupec

    (New 5-13 pics added) Saddled up and ready to ride! EBR 40th and Moab here we come!

    Oklahome is one of the 19 states that don't have Verizon Boadband coverage. It should have reverted to the slower 64K "modem" mode in those areas. Not sure what states you'll be in, but here's a list of some states/cities that I figure you'll be traveling through: Arizona Chandler...
  2. mkupec

    (New 5-13 pics added) Saddled up and ready to ride! EBR 40th and Moab here we come!

    Glad to see Don & you finally have a tow rig setup that you enjoy - nothing more frustrating than breakdowns after spending good money on upgrades. That Volvo should last for years to come with the task it's now been relegated to. I appreciated taking a look at it when I stopped by last Sunday...