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Search results

  1. C

    Stock AM Radio Wiring How To? Some add'l elec q's 2...

    Hi, I have a stock AM radio for my '72 that I need to test and if it works install. ?To test the horn what should I wire the radio to? From the positive terminal on the battery to the radio? Or from the negative terminal? If I determine it's no-go is the radio shot or can it be repaired? Has...
  2. C

    Bronco in advertisement...

    Good Catch! It seems the EB is really hot right now. Seems to reason, it just says "fun." Trucks aren't supposed to be plastic and grossly areodynamic. So many trucks today are cars in sheeps clothing. IMO that's just not "fun." I was watching reruns of Weeds, the great Showtime sitcom...
  3. C

    'Tis the season

    I enjoy progress pics like these. Keep 'em coming and good luck on that project.
  4. C

    Show me your honkers!

    Think I know the problem I went out on a cruise tonight. An edurance test of sorts. Travelled about 35 miles most of which were highway miles. Not far from the house as I was making a right turn at a light my horn honk twice quickly. Then the same at the 90 degree right turn. I put it in park...
  5. C

    Show me your honkers!

    Still fighting the good fight - horn "Had things reversed. 12v should be on both contacts. The blade is the path to the horn." Thanks for the update. I removed, tinkered with, replaced, tested many times last night to no avail. Do you think by missing one of the two contacts that is the...
  6. C

    Show me your honkers!

    Update - New Pics Hi, I have sucessfully removed the steering wheel. For those who have never it was easy. Unscrew center bolt halfway. Love tap the center bolt while pulling on wheel til it releases. Unscrew bolt and pull of wheel. I recommend unhooking battery first or else you may get a...
  7. C

    Show me your honkers!

    This is very helpful. I notice that mine is missing a contact and screws bolting contacts to column. I previously tried jumping hot bracket? to a ground hoping to get a honk but no dice. I'll go find a screw now and attach that to the one contact I have and see what doesn't happen. hehe? (Insert...
  8. C

    Show me your honkers!

    HaHa No, this isn't a WoW thread, (ref O & A XM 202), I need to see pics of your stock steering wheel w/o the center cap on. I think mine is missing a part. I have been troubleshooting my non-honking horn for way too long. I have scoured and read all horn related horn threads on this site as...
  9. C

    Thinking about yellow- let's see some pics

    Hi, Here is a LINKto my album. I believe this is original color, (most likely ford chrome yellow I think it is called), but not original paint. By the way it is a '72.
  10. C

    1970 Dana 30 or 44

    Thanks for the link! This link and some reading of posts helped me detemine that my '72 has a dana 44! Woo-Hoo! One less thing to *think* I need to buy for my EB. Now all I have to do is worry about other 10k I don't have but want to spend on my girl. Merry Christmas Everyone and Keep the...