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Search results

  1. K

    Which Humvee 3 point seat belts, front or rear?

    Anyone have pics of these already mounted?
  2. K

    broken windshield fold down knob..

    I have had to use a center punch and break them out in pieces if there is not enough to grab onto.
  3. K

    Sticker Brace

    What was the purpose with only that plant doing it?
  4. K

    Sticker Brace

    I'm installing new stricker braces on the new stricker post and found my old ones welded to the inner quarter panel. The new braces do not have that piece so can someone tell me if that is factory or something the PO added?
  5. K

    Color Help

    That's nice.
  6. K

    Color Help

    That's a great idea, I'll just get the change out of my ashtray since they dropped the price.
  7. K

    Color Help

    I found the picture by typing in 1976 Bronco, Green for sale I believe and it was already sold so I could not get any details about it. I will have to get over to PPG and see what they can come up with as well. Thanks for the color codes and I will look at those as well.
  8. K

    Color Help

    I know what you mean and can't wait to free up some space on the computer once I have the color down. Any ideas on the top?
  9. K

    Color Help

    What do you think the top is? Tan???
  10. K

    Color Help

    While trying to find the color Green I want to paint, I ran across this picture. I cannot figue out which green and tan (???) Color this in the pic below Thanks
  11. K

    Spot Weld or Continous Weld

    I am doing my passenger side right now and have used the air punch from Harbor Freight. I thought the hole was a little small so once I figured out were I wanted all the plug welds I ran the air punch over my markes then went through with a 1/4 drill bit. Still used the screws to hold it all...
  12. K

    soaking pistons and rods?

    Soaked mine in purple power then rinsed them off. Great stuff...
  13. K

    SOLD Ford 351W Lightning Intake - upper and lower

    Interested in the lower if you want to split them up.
  14. K

    Building a 5.8L for EFI

    I talked with a local Cam builder today and was told that with the Engine, trans, tire, and axle specs you have that he would build one with the following specs. 205 int, 208 exh, 480 lift for both, and a LSA of 112. He said that I should stay away from anything higher on the LSA or it would be...
  15. K

    Cam bearings wear-looks like orange peel

    The funny thing is that you do not see any smooth surfaces like you after many miles of run time.
  16. K

    Saginaw Pump on Explorer Serpentine

    Same here! You might need to quit your daytime job to keep up with the orders..
  17. K

    Locker ID help

    I thought or would like to think it's an ARB but only having those numbers on the side make me think other wise.
  18. K

    Locker ID help

    Pulled this locker the other day from a dana 44 but I cannot see the manufacture on it. The only number is 99050044. Any ideas?
  19. K

    Inner kick panel...all fixed now!

    Fair enough thanks. I dont have any sagging going but just a lot of rust.